1 minute read

IDrivers Move lfore Loads With The GERTINGER

Hiidraulic Ganrier

'TIHOSE who drive late model fine cars know I how delightfully easy they steer. The touch of a finger turns the wheelt

The new cam and lever steering ge r has made this possible.

In line with the same progressive application of making work easy with automatic devices, Gerlinger makes a carrier easy to handle. This saves the driverts strength for moving more loadskeeps him from fatigue with attendant slowing up of the work.

The Sturdy Com and Lever Steering Gear Does It

'Tl HE cam and lever steering device on the I Getlinger Hydraulic Carriet employs the same principle as that used on motor cars, but of heaviet construction to withstand the hard usage canier opetation gives it.

Features such as this, the hydraulic lift, the big REDSEAL CONTINENTAL MOTOR' the sturdy construction, and many othets have pushcd Gerlinger to the front in the carrier field. Send for Catalog which tellc rfie whole story. Eaptern

In Appreciation

On behalf of the Hoo Hoo Club of !,os Angeles I want to thank all the loyal members of the lumber industry who contributed to the Orphans' Christmas Party and made it such a wonderful success. And I want to express my appreciation to the Committee headed by Floyd Dernier for the splendid program fromstart to finish, and the Ladies Committee for their help at the luncheon and the splendid police officers who assisted us during the day.

B. W. BYRNE, President, Los Angeles Hoo Hoo Club.


(Contributed by J. E. Neighbor, Oakland, President of the Oakland Hoo Hoo Club)

Several hundred years ago, the monkeys held a convention to discuss how best.to make men and women out of themselves. Everything was arranged okeh; they succeeded in their evolution schemes, but even as men and women some still had tails. It was finally agreed that those with tails should gointo the credit business and they rvould soon rvork their tails off trying to make collections.

(Tavlor Rotarv Rarebit.)


After January First, 1927, the aclclress of Henry R. Isherwood, Secretary of Hoo-Hoo, will be 900 Central National Bank Ruilding, St. Louis.

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