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Red Streak High Speed Steel Knives will give you Ionger -eervicg without regrinding or jointing. Th.y are made of shock-resisting steel.

Producing New Shingle

Six-sided shingles, tgrned ont at trip-hammer speed in strips of four, made of an extra tough composition of felt and asphalt, and surfaced rvith genuine Vermont slate, specially ground to be-moul<1ed into an imperviol-ls mass, are the newest product of the Los Angeles Paper Manufactnring Company, it is reported.

A special machine fo1 the manufacture of the new hexagonal slate-surfaced El Rey shingles has been installed, according to N L. Brinker, director of sales, and is norv in ful1 productior,.

Brinker says the machine literally belches strips of shingles faster than a person can count, but the mechanism is so designed as to carefully press and cut each strip. The slate surface isput on hot and then plunged into a freezing bath to set the surfacing in a protective weather proof coat.

An insisteirt demand, created particularly by rvomen, for something different in roofing is the reason for the sixsided shingle, Brinker said. The new shingles are made in g'reen, grey, red and black, and are used in a combination of colors that lends an attractive touch to the new home.

Maketripinto Yosemite

Bert Neylan, manager of the San Francisco omce of the Booth-Kelly Lumber Co., and "IIi" Henry, their Valley representative, together with Mrs. Henry, showed L. L. Lewis, sales manager at the company's Portland office, a little diversion on his recent trip to California when the party motored into Yosemite Valley. The trip was made on December 4, and although there was considtrable snow in the mountains, they stated that the roads were in good condition and they found many people in the Valley even at that late date.

Klamath Falls District Gets No. 6 !

"Tungeweld," the only Welded High Speed Steel Knife. The cutting edge of high speed steel is welded to a soft eteel back. Outlast thick carbon steel knives three to five times.


116 Eut Third Strcct - Lor Angclcr, Celif. SIMONDS SAW AND STF'.F'L CO., Zm-z:A Firrt Strcct - Srn Frencirco, 6lif.

The Forest Lumber Company of Pine Ridge, Oregon, is a recent purchaser of a HILKE LUMBER PILER. This makes a total of 6 now in operation in the Klamath Falls District-6 mills that have put their yards on a modernized, efficiency basis.

Thc "HILKE" will cut cortr, timc and labor in your 5rard, too. Lct ur looL into your yarding ritrration ud edvirc you.

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