1 minute read

Twenty-Four Hour Service from Hammond

Push California Redwood !

It will pay you to pueh California Redwood. You can caeh in on tho educational work bcing done among builderr by the California Redwood Aerociation. Every day Californie Redwood ie becoming bettcr known for itr durabilitn itr frcedom frorn rhrinking, warping and twirting, itr workability, ite lack of pitch, and itr greatcr loan valuc.

You can gct thie burincre without carrying exteneive rtockr of Redwood, for the Hammond rtockr-your rc.c_reHre alwayr available to you. Thcy ofrer the 6ncrt Redwood tf,ere ie, cut from our own Redwood forcrte. Get full information on Rcdwood today.


San Franeirco

Portland Chicago MILLS:

Samoa. California Mill City, Orcgon

So complete are the seventy-six acres of Hammond Reserves that you could order stock sizes of doors for a big apartment house and have them delivered intwenty-four hours.

With equal dispatch you can get lumber, cement, mill work, hardware-or almost any building material-from Hammond.

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