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Ilardrroods for every 6"t IA
When a Big Realtor Builds
uhat floor does he specifg?
A. C. Steere is the most prominent realtor in North Louisiana. Aside from his ability in directing big real estate projectg he is well versed in architecture. His new home on Ockley Drive, in South Highland, Shreveport, was constructed from plans drawn by himself. Naturally, he wag careful to select an oak fooring that would be in keeping with the character of such a house.
Throughout, l3-l6x2Yq clear quartered white oak was used. Mr. Steere was well acquainted with the advantages of having"Perfection"Brand Oak Flooring'laid.
Milling, grading and inspection play an important role in oak flooring. The 6nish, pattern and matching depend on how perfectly these three are carried out at the mill. Mr. Steere's floor is beautiful to look upon, and will retain this beauty generations from now. Yet it cost him no more than a number of other brands.
There's a size and grade of "Ptrfection" Brand Oak Flooring for every type of structure, new or old. For full information, write today.
Pine Bluff, Ark