4 minute read

United Front for Lumber Industry

A. Hood,

To cvery living Hoo-Hoo:

The attcntion of dl Hoo-Hoo should bc cdled at least once a year to thc fundamcntal prirrciplcs of the Ordcr, and no better eubject could bc had for the first message of the incorning Snark-

Hqo-Hoo is primarily and diatinctly a lumbcrmen's fraternity. Its mcmbership is confined to thosc participating in the production, fabrication, distribution and continuation of thc tirnbcr crop.

The menrbership of Hoo-Hoo is pledged to scck Hcalth, Happiness, Long Life, Friendship, Confidencc, Co-opcratiorl Educatiort Sciencc and Bcncvolerrce.

Seckers for these objectiws to the number of ncarly forty thousand hve passed into the realm of Hoo-Hoo and over trelrrc thousand of thcsc arc todav actively participating in Hoo-Hoo's perpctual scarch for morc light for hunbermcn and for ttrc lumber industry.

The industrial and social cvolution of tlre last thirty-five years hae wrought a markcd change both in the luraber industry and in Hoo-Hoo whictr is a part of that industry- fnstead of being rnade to rcalize that truc conservation of thc timber crop was to be found in intelligent utilization of forcst oroducts, coupled with forest protection and pcr- pctuatior\ tho public was falsely led to believe that forest Drotection mcant curtailed utilization.

The lurnbet industry in the lagt generation has witnessed a docline in the annual co,nsumption ofits product Wood-a decline brought about through variors causea, not the least of which was the propaganda for forest conservation in which lumbermcn participated to sorrrc extent, but which was seized and subtly twisted by outsidc sclfish interests to promote the manufacture, distribution and sale of substitutc matcrials for wood.

Unfortunatcly too large a majority of tlre public still holds to this utterly false belief.

Simultaneous with this metamorphmis of the lurnber industry therre was an evolution with,in thc fratcrnity of Hoo-Hoo.

Happiness The Big Thing

Early in the ycars of Hoo-Hoo it was discovered that of the nine objective: of the order, Happiness was the thing rnost sought for. Hoo-Hoo searched for Happincss through Friendship and the order was founded and gtounded in friendships. Its carly years marked the beginning of friendships which will never terminate.

But Hoo-Hoo later discovered that Happrness \pas not to- be found in Friendship done, nor in the Confidence that grew out of Friendship. Tten it came to Hoo-Hoo (as it docs to evcryone sooner or later) that true Happiness iomes only throusb Service, and that was thc dawn of the greater Hoo' Hoo.

For ycars thc problem of thc lcadcrs of Hoo-Hoo has b4n'How can this grea! lunbcr fratcraity -best ServF-its memberstrip, the industry which gave it being, the communities and states whercin its mcmbers reside and thc gowrnmentc undcr which it flourishcs?

Hoo-Hoo serviccs, chritable, fraternal, civic and industrial, have gained p$lic recosnition from govcrnment officialsr local, sttte. national and international; from all branches of the lunrbcr industry and fronr the membership, as witnesscd byits healthy growth, And Happin*s has comc to the workers in Hoo-Hoo.

The same question which has faced preccdins administrations is ours today. "IIow can EIoo-Hoo of. l!27 best servc?' Bcncv: olcnt activities? Educational programs? Civic duties? Our course in these is well marked and thc impetus of rrcccnt ycars will carry throtrgh But theee are not cnotrgh.

It would seem that this year the call is specially clear, the path peculiarly etraight' and thc op'portunity the greatest in Hoo-Hoo history.

The basic branch of our industry, the manufacturers of lumbeq are about to launch a great campaign for the bcttcr utilization of wood. The man power and money power of that branch of the industry are being marshalled to fight for the rights of wood. The scales are to b.e lifted fronr thc eyes of thepublic and thc truth is to be told that true conservation of the tinaber crolr includcs intelligcnt utilizatio,n

Opposition Is Strong

Unforturately, the pooition of tte cncmy is well cntrenched, their lines far advarrced; thc forces of wood substitutes are able, keen, cxtremely strong in both rnan power and finances. Ttre li.unber industry is figlrting on its own gtound. Much lost territory must bc regained.

It is a qucstion whether or not thc manufacturing branch of the industry alone can win the fight. Certainly they should not be asked to carry the burden alone.

rd significant historical fact in thc lumber industry is that the prosperous periods of the manufacturinc branch bave bccn refectcd in thc distributiilg branchcs, but it has -not^-dways bcen trul that prospcrity in^ distribution of lumber has becn ref,ected in its rnanufacture.

Distributors of lurnber at wholesalc and ' rctai! as well as manufactrrcrs and-fablicatori of lunrber must bc enlistcd in the struggle for a prospcrous industry.

We must have a united front in thc lumber industryl

Where are we to get it?

Clcarly the answer comes-in Hoo-Hoo.

Wherc clse than in Hoo-Hoo are lumbcrmcn from all [ranches of th€ industry gathered together in friendship and confidcnce? WherJ else than in Hoo-Hoo can full and fair consideration be givcn to the problcras and constructive thoughts of retailers as wcll as manrt'acturers-wholesalcrs asgell as fabricators? Where cls€ can a co-opcrativc plan of action be worked out for the grcater good of all?

Thc task of Hoo-Hoo of, l!27 is the coordination of all branchcs of tlIe industry' the enlistment of every truc hrlnbcr cscct1tive in a unitcd front for thc lum.bcr industry.

But words and phrascs are uscless without action. Thesc plans and motives may be translated into altion by the actual doing of the nine actions expectcd of every loyal HooHoo.


l.-To learn, and be guided by the Code of Ethics.

2.-To attend all Concats and meetings, siclrress and travel only excusing.

3.-To do thoroughly cvcry Hoo-Hoo iob assigned to you.

4-To advocatc true conservatiott of forests.

5.-To preach wood utilization at cvcry opportunity.

6.-To edrrcate the layman that timbcr is a crop.

7.-To promotc co-operation among all branchcs of the lumber industry.

8.-To fostcr a deep fraternal spirit among all Hoo-Hoo.

9.-Promotc the International spirit in Hoo-Hoo.

If cvery Hoo-Hoo, from the Seer, the House of Ancients, the Snarb thc Ninc, the Counselors, the Viccrcgents, the club oficers and directors, and the merrbership down to the latest neophyte will be governed by these

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