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Crystal gazi n( r[00n
Irt t/ris rrtcrgcr-rrtitttletl era. v'itJt tltt: large rrtill opcrutions at qtrirhrg vttallt'r rrtills, as a x'ltalt' s( ()ops up plutrktrtrt, v'ltctt is the positiotr tt.f tlte indapetulettt v'ltolesalerl The Merchant Magazine racerttly ilftervictvcd Stcre freetttotr (Stt'phen G. F-rt'ottutr & Crt.) tvitlt tltt' .fitl l ortitrg rath er ltr cid rc sul t s.
Q:Wc'vc helrrd thlt rtt lt ulloiesalcrs' ntcr'1ing, I ferv 1-clr s ltgo vott statcd thc rvholcsa]cI wils ilrl !'r)(lllltgcrcd s1-rccics. pLrssibll hcadirrq l'rrl oltsoleSC!.llCL'.
A:Yes. I rccull retttarks to thlrt c1'lcct: lurthcrnrorc that progttostictttiott becorncs i rrcrcasingl-v cvidcn t dtrlirlg dcprcssctl pcliocls such rs \\'!"\'c l)cctl cxpe f rc lrc lng,.
Q:That bc'ing thc ctsc hon'thctt do vott explain tltc ltivcrtt of rterv lvlrolcsrlets rvho ltrvc rcccrttly sprttrtg trp'l
A: Exurining tlrat Ittotc thororrgltlr'. llre majority' ol' "ttctl' "vltolesalcls" lure splintcr gfoups iccbelgs caivirtg ll onr tlte tttolltct gluci.'r'. Attd lirr cVL'r\' lre\\' opc[rt iOn pr'f llaps two l'rrld iheir terts...77lc illcrclmttt itselt