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EASTERN TRADERS needed for 93 year old 'co. Must have customer following to deal in hardwoods and softwoods. Must relocate to Sacramento area. Send full resume to: J. E. Higgins Lumber Co., National Division, P.O. Box 687, Rocklin, Ca. 95677.
Position Wanted
MANUFACTURER OR MILL REP. Excellent qualifications and references with wholesalers. distributors and mass merchandisers. Ca., Mid-West and Tx. Ben Daviq, write Box 188 c/o The Merchant Masazine.
Business Opportunities
We buy closeouts - irregulars - overstocks in: Hardware - plywood - paneling - windows * any kind of building materials. Edw. Stein, H & E Home Builders City, l5l2l Palmdale Rd., Victorville, Ca. 92392,Phone: (714) 245-3486.
LUMBER AIrID buildine materiali business for lease. Sales volirme excess g2,5 to $3 million. San Francisco Bay Area, long established, well located. Heavily retail. Very good return on investment. Write Box 157, clo The Merchant Magzzine.
This, our thirteenth year, is our luckiest to be serving you. And, we look forward to many, many more.
While our distribution yard remains in Long Beach, we wish to announce our new Los Angeles otfice 1801 Avenue Of the StarS, Suite 310, Los Angeles, Ca., 90067 (213) 553-4713roryour greater convenience and faster service in providing import, export and domestic wood products from dowels to plywoods. We Look Fonwand To Senving Youn Lumben Needs
Names of advertisers using a box number cannot be released. Address all replies to box number shown in ad in care of The Merchant Magazine, 4500 Campus Dr., Suite 475, Newport Beach, Ca. 9266O. Make checks payable to Ihe Merchant Magazine. Deadline for copy is the 23rd,. To call in an ad: (7r4) s49-8393.
II.57 ACRE INDUSTRIAL SITE So. Calif.-Santa Fe Springs Rail Senice & Freeway Access $35,000 Per Acre
Open Storage Permitted Brochure Available THE BROOKMAN COMPANY 165l E.4th Street, Suite 219 SantaAna, Ca.927OL (714) 55&9344
LUMBER HAULING c-Q TRUCKTNG tNC. (213) 63E-78-51 5501 East Century Blvd., Lynwood. Ca. X)262.
California Lumber Inspection Service
Certified Agency L.A. (714) 54E-5136 v s.J. (40E) 297-t071 1100 Ltncoln Ave., San Jore, Callf.