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New Fn@du@ts
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P.O.P. Shutter Dlsplay
Building supply dealers can increase their Perma-Shield shutter sales and profits with the help of one of their new point-of-purchase dispenser units, claims Andersen Corp.
The easy-to-assembly display unit can be utilized as an island or end cap display. Constructed of lightweight metal, the unit may be set up in either of two modes, 44" x 33" covering about 12 sq. ft. or 33" x 27" covering about 7 sq. ft.
The larger unit has a capacity of 36 pairs of Perma-Shield shutters with the small unit holding 24 pairs
Spaced Out
The new, improved Steeltree cantilever rack by Jarke helps eliminate congested areas and provides adjustable, unobstructed, horizontal storage levels. Products such as steel. aluminum and wood, etc. that are stacked in long lengths can now be stored easily. These racks are easy to erect and can be rearranged or relocated to meet user needs.
Single or double sided units are available in heights from 8', l0'and l2'. Basic unit consists of two uprights either single or double, and a brace set, either 3' or 6'. If three uprights are required, then two sets of cross braces will also be required. Arms are available in lengths from 12"-48".
WRITE: The Merchant Magazine, 4500 Campus Dr., suite 476, Newport Beach. Ca.92660.
of the Perma-Shield shutters.
The shutters, featuring low-maintenance vinyl over preservative-treated and painted wood frames, are made in panel and louver, and hung on predrilled hanging hardware, for fast installation.
They are available in 14" and 18" and in nine heights from 35" to 75" for windows, plus an 80" height to flank exterior doors.
WRITE: The Merchant Magazine, 4500 Campus Dr., suite 476, Newport Bcach. Ca.92660.
Energy Conservatlon Klt
Building supply dealers and home centers have a new sales aid to help them promote energy conservation with wood windows.
National Woodwork Manufacturers Assn. has a new Energy Conservation Merchandising Kit that provides merchandising ideas to effectively and quickly tell customers of building material retailers about the need for heat-saving wood windows.
Each kit contains a large display card, energy-saving window stickers, consumer literature and thermostat hang-tags. The display card tells the heat-saving story: that wooil windows and insulating glass can save up to 30% heat loss. Consumer hand-out booklets with actual facts and $ and I figures make it possible to economically pass on the energy conservation story to consumers who visit the store.
Energy saving window stickers and thermostat hang-tags further point out the heat saving qualities of wood windows. The kit is rounded out with an ideas folder offering sugges- tions for displaying and merchandising wood windows, and an order rorm.
Write to Sumner Rider & Associates, Inc., 355 Lexington Ave., N.Y., N.Y. 10017. Complete kits are $3.50 e4., display cards $.75 ea. or $60 per hundred; consumer booklets. $5 per hundred or $35 per thousand; window stickers, $.10 eachor $7.50 per hundred.
WRITE: The Merchant Maqazine. 4500 Campus Dr., suite.-176. Nlwport Beach. Ca.92660.
Free Reader Service
For more information on.New Products and New Literature. write fha Merchant Magazine, 4500 Campus Dr., Suite 476, Newport Beach, Ca. 92660. Please mention issue date and page number so we can process your request laster! Many thanks!
New "Waxable" Woodgrain
A "natural finish" woodgrain that comes to life with a touch of spray wax is the newest in the Nevamar line of special surface high-pressure plastic laminates.
In its non-waxed state, the new woodgrain, Silvan Teak, has the iook of untreated and unfinished wood. Unlike other woodgrain patterns, there is no gloss or shine to the surface. Like real wood, however, the surface takes on a lustrous shine when given a coat of good quality spray wax. The rich, warm browns and the bold graining of the Silvan Teak pattern are highlighted.
Home furnishings, cabinets and architectural interiors are expected to be prime applications for the beauty and 'waxability' of the new Silvan Teak. It is available in general purpose H-5 grade, and in popular sheet sizes.
WRITE: The Merchant Magazine, 4500 Camous Dr.. suite 476. Newport Beach, Ca.92660.
Multl-rlp Gang Saws
Alden claims its saw is a positive feed saw for every purpose: gang, single, and straight ripping.
Eight power driven feed rolls, with roller chain drive, dig in to pull even wet, slippery lumber through the powerful arbor, the company says.
Jtnurry, 1976
Top feed rollers are mounted in independently adjustable yokes with spring tension to provide firm, constant pressure during the entire travel of the stock. Rolls are driven by a 2 hp. gear head motor with speeds ranging from 25 to 200 FPM.
For operator safety, the machine is equipped with a heavy duty antikickback system, adjustable for any size stock. A special dust/chip boot guards against flying splinters and dust.
The entire feed mechanism can be raised and lowered with the table. This keeps the table square and rigid at all times and permits easy removal of the saw arbor sleeve. Saws are available in 3" thrgugh 6" models.
WRITE: The Merchant Magazine, 4500 Campus Dr., suite 476, Newport Beach, Ca.92660.
Modern Yesterday Doors
The look of yesteryear becomes as modern as today when either the new Tiffany or Chateau Orleans door from Simpson Timber Co. is selected. These elegant doors combine the current nostalgia with the contemporary look, yet are handsome and versatile enough to complement any architectural style.
The Tiffany, with a stained glass insert as one of the nine panels, is reminiscent of the turn-of-the-century when elegance was the keyword. The Chateau Orleans, with double panels of leaded glass, is a heritage from the early French settlers who brought their artisans with them to the Louisiana bayou country. The Chateau Orleans adds a carved center panel. Subtle colors in both door inserts respond to light, like prisms.
The doors, which are just now being introduced into Simpson's International Line of fine entryways, are the first with stained or leaded glass to become part of this hallmark line
Manufactured of vertical grain kiln dried Douglas fir or hemlock, all doors meet or exceed Industry Standard 5-75 issued by the Fir & Hemlock Door Assn,, when properly handled and installed. Stiles are a full 5-3/8" wide on standard doors, to take extra-large hardware gracefully. All doors are l-3l4" thick.

WRITE: The Merchant Magazine, 4500 Campus Dr., suite 476, Newport Beach. Ca. 92660.
Low Cost Gaulkr
The Stay-Tite Products Co. has two new high performance caulking compounds that can be marketed at lower costs than ordinary caulk,
A new white latex caulk that can be used in all general caulking jobs, and a new butyl caulking compound that utilizes fibered butyl rubber are available in cartride form with the exclusive patented hanger spout that makes displaying quicker, easier and more profitable.
Entire line can be displayed from standard peg board hooks for best utilization of existing space.
WRITE: The Merchant Magazine. 4500 Campus Dr., suite 476, Newport Beach, Ca. 92660.
6" Flbergla$ Rolls
Certain-teed Products has introduced space-saving, easy-to-handle rolls of 6" thick kraft faced. foil faced, and unfaced fiber glass 6uilding installation.
Available in 15" and 23" widths, both with a thermal efficiency value of R-19, each roll is 32' long. The 15" width roll covers 40 sq. ft. of surface, and the 23" width roll covers 61.33 sq. ft.
The 6" fiber glass insulation rolls provide for a tighter and more thermally efficient fit. Insulation in a roll also offers maximum savings of warehouse, truck and job site space due to its easy stacking design.
The exclusive Handle Pak makes loading and unloading faster and easier because twice as much material can be carried with less effort. the company claims.
WRITE: The Merchant Magazine, 45@ Campus Dr., suite 476, Newport Beach, Ca. 92660.
Chemlcal Hand Gleaner
Simco Glove Hand Care was recently made available in a new, convenient 8-ou. plastic squeeze container with a flip top from Simco Products.
It is a high quality hand cleaner that cleanses chemically. It is waterbased, liquid and designed for industrial and d-i-yer use. It cleanses
Free Reader Service
For more information on New Products and New Lilerature, write fhe Merchant Magazine, 4500 Campus Dr., Suite 476, Newport Beach, Ca. 92660. Please mention issue date and page number so w€ can procsss your rsquest fasterl Many lhanksl
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WRITE: The Merchant Magaztne, 4500 Campus Dr., suite 476, Newport Beach, Ca.9265Q.
Combination Door lnserts
Plaza and Mo-Bel-Air combination door inserts are manufactured by Alhambra Metal Products. Inc.. Alhambra, Ca.
These units are designed for any door where light and air are needed.
This all aluminum, custom-engineered unit, which never needs painting, has two vertical sash, which slide easily and smoothly; are removable for cleaning and lock in place with just a touch. The units have fiberglass screen.
Installation is quickly and easily achieved with only l0 screws and a screwdriver. The units are available for home, apartment, motel, mobile home, camper or trailer.
WRITE: The Merchant Magazine, 4500 Campus Dr., suite 476, Newport Beach, Ca. 92660.
Contemporary Hlckory Panel
A subtle blend of contemporary styling and traditional wood tones is represented with the introduction of Weldwood Centennial 2, a new print woodgrain paneling line from U.S. Plywood.
Geared to the informality of modern living, it is a faithful reproduction of rustic hickory veneers with the natural growth marks and grain variations of that hardy North American wood.
The new print panel comes in three wood tones and boasts exceptional visual depth of color and wood markings due to a triple print and rotogravure manufacturing process.
Priced for budget minded professionals and do-it-yourselfers, it is available in 4' x 8' panels and in ll4" and 5132" thicknesses and carries a UL Class C rating.
WRITE: The Merchant Magazine, 4500 Campus Dr., suite 476, Newport Beach. Ca.92650.
MIX T0GETHEB 80 lumbermen, 50 cases of beer, two charrered busses and tickets to the Rams/Chargers football game in San Diego and you have the. uh, results seen here. As is our usual policy, 7le lllerdtant sent a crack team of reporters and photographers t0 cover'
Controlled BBQ Cooklng
Indoor barbecuing is made easy with Home Metal Products' new line of charcoal, gas and electric CharGrills. The Char-Grill drop-in model features a tilt-top grill to reduce grease flame-ups and allows cooking to be controlled to insure true barbecue flavor.
It is fired by charcoal or can be connected to gas or electrical outlets using HMP's exclusive ceramic Char-Roks to provide the cooking heat. All models are fully insulated and designed for zero clearance.
WRITE: The Merchant Magazine, 4500 Campus Dr., suite 476, Newport Beach. Ca. 92660.
Free Reader Service
For more information on New Products and New Literature, write fhe Merchant Magazine, 4500 Campus Dr., Suite 476, Newport Beach, Ca. 92660. Please mention issue dale and page number so w€ can process your request faster! Many thanks!
this momentous industry event. Degite the rigors of sun and Coors, they were able to report that the L.A. Bams won, though the actual score seems lost to history. 0range County Hoo-Hoo club sponsored the cufturaf outing' photos by The Merchant Magazine