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Western Hardware Show
Buyers by the thousands will again flock to the 21th Western States Hardware-Housewares-Paint & Garden Supply Show, Feb.22-24,1976 at Brooks Exhibit Hall in the San Francisco Civic Center. The popular trade show has been designated a 'must' by both manufacturers exhibiting and buyers who want to see and buy new products, merchandising aids and promotions.
Over 600 manufacturers will be represented, with merchandise lines in the thousands on exhibit at the Show. sponsored by the California Retail Hardware Association.
According to K. B. Jacobsen, show manager, buyers will see the latest in hardware, housewares, paint, garden supplies, building materials, automotive supplies, giftwares, plumbing and electrical supplies, sporting goods, variety and notron items, plus hundreds of other individual lines of merchandise.
Retailers will be looking for new merchandise and new ideas and sales aids at the Hardware Show-the only complete industry show in the West.
Buyer attendance is expected to top 10,000 with dealers spending over $l million, plus an even larger amount on post-show orders.
Show hours are: Sun, Feb.22: l0:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m.: Mon., Feb. 23: 12:00 noon-6:00 p.m.:Tues., Feb. 24: 3:00 p.m.-10:00 p.m.Monday is Buyers'Market Day with special prices and prizes. Tuesday is Employees'Day with all retail personnel invited. Special attendance prizes include color tv sets. trips to Hawaii and Disnevland. and cash awards.
Lumber Hauling
DANT & RUSSETL donated this 114'ft. log forthe restoration of the U.S.S. Constellation, oldest ship in the U.S. Navy, now undergoing restoration in Baltimore, Md. A 3-masted frigate with 44 guns, it was launched in 1797 and paiticipated in the undeclared war between France and the U.S. from 1'798-1800. The Doug fir log measures 50" at the butt, 26" at top and weighs about 50,000 lbs; enough lumber is contained in it (5,000 bd.ft.) to frame several houses. Growing area of the tree was near Astoria, 0r.
Positions wanted 30{ a word, minimum 25 words (25 words = $7.50). All others 4O( aword, min. 24 words (24 words = $9.60). Phone number counts as one word. Ads with border $1.50 extra. Headline or centered type $2.50 extra. Box numbered ads are $2.00 extra.
Help Wanted
SALESMAN wanted for retail lumber yard in S.F. area. Long experience, Steady job. Write Box 172, clo The Merchant Magazrne,
WAIIITED: So. Cal. wholesale firm seeking experienced salesman for direct and yard industrial wholesale sales. Merchandise hard and/or softwoods. Good Pay. Profit Sharing potential. Write Box 189, c/o The Merchant Magazine.
MANAGER needed for retail lumber yard in S.F. area. Long experience. Steady job. Write Box l7l, c/o The Merchant Magazine.
INSIDE SALESMAN for a growing, aggtessive bldg. mfls. distributor in Northern Califomia. Excellent salary and bonus program with opportunity for advancement, l-2 year's experience required. All replies confidential. Write Box 191 c/o The Merchant Magazine,
WANTED: Experienced managerial/sales oriented person to open and operate wholesale direct sales office in northern California/Oregon zlrea. Write Box 190, c/o The Merchant Magazine.