5 minute read
Ed Shaw is now area mgr. for Champion International's USP manufacturing operations in California, according to William E. Butler, v.p., mfg. Dave Waters moves up to lumber production mgr., Don Linn to Novoply superintendent.
Raymond Nelson has joined Chandler Supply Co.'s Idaho sales force, based in Boise.
Clyde Jennings, mgr. of J&W Lumber, El Cajon, Ca., recently placed 3rd in his "Redwood Racer" in the long grueling Baja 1000 off-road race thru the Mexican peninsula. The racer is on display at the store.
Jared Nichelson is now v.p. sales for all 50 stores of Handyman, Inc., San Diego.
Tony Martin is the new mgr., San Joaquin Lumber Co., Manteca, Ca., according to Gilbert Rowley, gen. mgr. and v.p.
Byron Boyce is the new mgr. of Southwest Forest Industries' Happy Camp, Ca., mill and Bob Gibson, mgr. of the Burnt Ranch and Salyer, Ca., operations.
Jack Couch and Gil Harris have joined Oregon Pacific's Fullerton, Ca., sales office.
Frank Baxley has retired from BreyWright Lumber, Porterville, Ca., after 5 6 years. The company is being sold and will not re-open as a lumber and bldg. mtls. operation.
Nelson Sembach, Inland Lumber Co., Colton. Ca.. is back from a recent jaunt to Scottsdale, Az., that included checking out the big old-car auction.
Roger Fouts is the new mgr. of Woodburn Lumber Co., Woodburn, Or.
Paul Fritchey, Palm Avenue Lumber Co., took a large ad in the local Alhambra, Ca., paper to publicly thank those who had worked to improve the community. He notes he has received very good reception to the ad. Good going, Paul!
William B. Boyd is now corp. v.p. and group exec. for American Standard's Western hemisphere bldg. products group.
Ted Gilbert is back at his Products Sales desk in Newport Beach, Ca., after a Puerto Vallarta, Mexico vacation.
Norm Wendell has joined Far West Fir Sales' sales force , j oin ing, among others, Dorman Dane who has been with Far West about 4 mos.
Sterling Wolfe, Sr., Marquart-Wolfe Lumber Co., Orange, Ca., is back from a recent Mexican vacation in Puerto Vallarta.
Kent Sherburne, Simpson Building Sup- ply Co., Cerritos, Ca., got in a sales safari to Fresno and other California Central Valley spots.
Bill Buettner, United Wholesale Lumber Co., Montebello, Ca., is back from three weeks funtime in Hawaii.
Sam Fineman, president of Bel-Air Door Co., Alhambra, Ca., recently visited their Korean door plant to inspect production of several new doors he designed. He also saw doors they supplied to the new Korean Parliament Hall.
Thomas J. Jordan is the new v.p. marketing services at Masonite's hardboard div.
Fred D. Sampson is now gen. mgr. of Cascade Locks Lumber Co., reports Andrew J. Honzel, v.p.
Robert E. Burke is now mgr. of Pope & Talbot's wood products and timberland operations, Oakridge div., according to George J. Ritchie, v.p. -domestic operations.
William P. Rund is Pope & Talbot's new tech sales rep for their industrial hardboard dept., Portland, reports Robert E. Brooks, director hardboard sales and marketing.
Ed Fountain, Sr., Ed Fountiin Lumber Co., is back in Los Angeles after a British Columbia business trip.
Hal Huff, Oregon Pacific Industries, Portland, recently visited Bob Riggs, mgr. of the Fairfield, Ca., operation.
Tony Brattin is the new mgr. at Precision Milling Co., Burbank, Ca., succeeding Jack Chambers who has retired and plans an April trip to Europe.
Harry Boand, former owner of BoandDaly Lumber Co., Downey, Ca., is recovering from a bout of infectious hepatitus contracted on a Mexican vacation.
Anne Armstrong, former counselor to the President of the USA and a cabinet member, has been elected to the Boise Cascade board of directors.
Curt Wood, Twin Harbors Lumber Co., Arcata, Ca., is now in charge of their redwood operations.

Lloyd Casacca has retired at Fortuna, Ca., after 37 years with The Pacific Lumber Co.
Stanley Newell is the new exec. v.p. at Nicolai Door Co.. Portland.
Carl Nelson is the new Southwest rep, based in the L.A. area. for Clear Fir Sales Co. of Springfield, Or., according to Nels Sandstrom, sales mgr.
Leo Hopper is the new v.p. operations and sales for Brooks-Scanlon's forest products group at Bend, Or. Verlon McKinney, MacBeath Hardwood Co., San Francisco, was a recent business visitor in Los Angeles.
John A. Love, former Colorado governor. has been elected to the board of directors of Denver-based JohnsManville.
George R. Schwartz has joined Rockwool Industries, Denver, as director of marketing.
Jon G. Chase is Masonite's new product line mgr., interior products in their hardboard operations replacing T. J. Jordan, who moves up to v.p. marketing services.
Bruce Pohle is back at Southern Lumber Co., San Jose, Ca., after a holiday trip to So. Ca. to visit relatives.
Bob Merritt is a new outside sales rep. for the Arthur A. Pozzi Co., Santa Ana, Ca., according to headman Don Muller.
Russ Sturdyvin, American Forest Products, Cerritos, Ca., is back from a brief vacation.
Carl E. Darrow has been promoted to exec. v.p. of the American Wood Council, succeeding Boyce Price.
28th VATLEY FBOLIC of San Joaquin Hoo-Hoo club installed Ted Mathews as pres. at recent Fresno, Ca. bash. (1) Jeny DeCou, Bill 0berholser, (the new Southern v.p.), R ick Adams. Roy Parsons. (2) Dale Smith, Gary Johnson, Bob Fargo. Ed Silva, Merv Henrickson. (3) Gerry Shurtliff, A.
Markum, Ron Sidoli, Clint Andovall. (4) Bob Schlotthauer, Les Mason, Jack Warren, Harold Manselian. (5) Ralph Lamon, Lamon Co., San Francisco, Gordon Knott, (new Northern v.p.), Harry Mendenhall, exec. v.p., Lumber Merchants Assn. (6) D. Long, G.

Long, J. Campbell, Al Gomes. (l) Wills presenting golf prizes to Taylor Hubbard and Pete Middlekauff. (8)T. Higgins, Bobby Rader, Craig Gaffney, Bill Saye. (9) Jim Acton, Gary Johnson, Lou Garcia, Mike Bakula.
CCA Type A Producer of LP Wood
Wema Convention
(Continued from page tt ) hous, John Kettenring,George Osborn, John Stoltenberg, Dale Knudson, Fay Johnstone, Bob McPherson, Lorin Papworth, Don Erickson, Pete Sylvester, Tom Weiss, Gary Weatherly, Moe Moyer, Cliff Furlott, Bud Iamarr, Donald Aitken, Don Ferguson, Ray Connolly, John Carr, Marion Vance, Yic Camozzi, Merlyn Jolley and directors-at-large Idan lverson, Frank Powers and Earl Fosse.

The enthusiasm demonstrated on the opening of the exhibits on Sunday night continued on Monday, which was mainly devoted to letting everyone have the time needed to check out the various displays. A remarkable measure of enthusiasm (and orders) was observed by virtually all the exhibitors who additionally took it as a positive sign for the state of business during our bicentennial year.
The speaker at the Tuesday breakfast was Dr. Edward Reed, senior v.p. and economist for the U.S. National Bank of Oregon, who sees 1976 as"good a year or better for retailers andwholesalers as was 1975." He warned of the increasing role of politics in economics and warned of a resumption of double digit inflation in 1977. Dr. Reed feels the prime lending rate this summer will be aI the 8-8Lh%level.
The return of consumer confidence is seen by Dr. Reed as one of the major influences on this year's economy. He forecast that "alteration and repair business will become more and more important in years to come."
A trio of mini-sessions occupied the balance of the morning. They were on "Finding Money and Keeping It," "Keeping Up With OSHA," and "Going Metric & The Importance of Grading for Satisfied Customers and Better Sales."
The mini-sessions were continued after the well-attended All-Industry Luncheon and before the wrap+rp event of the 72nd annual, the traditional dinner dance.
In other convention business. Ron Pulliman, president of the Young Westerners Club reviewed its growth in the less than three years since its founding. Beginning with 22 members, YWC nowhas 150 members and anticipates continued growth. Their next meeting is at the Valley River Inn, Eugene, Or., February. 6-7-8.