5 minute read
The advantages of hardwood plywood
T HE chief purpose in overlaYing
I wood, first practiced bY the ancients and later by artisans of the 18th and l9th centuries, is to Produce a surface of beauty over a less aesthetic surface.
Modern hardwood plywood is a mixture of the aesthetic and the functional, according to the Hard' wood Plywood Manufacturers Association's new edition of "The Story of Hardwood Plywood" from which this article is excerpted. Copies are available for 25c each from HPMA, P.O. Box 6246, Arlington, Va. 22206.
A distinct characteristic of hard' wood plywood is its ability to be used to create beautiful decorative
Story at a Glance
A mixture of the aesthetic and the functional, hardwood plywood can be used to create beautiful, yet useful items, such as wall panels and furniture . . because it can be bent or formed. there is a multitude of curved plywood possibilities.
effects and at the same time, be verY useful-wall panels and furniture exemplify this characteristic. The inherent property of veneer cutting is such that full-size sheets of valued woods (ie: mahogany, cherry, walnut) can be obtained, whereas pro' ducing such sheets by other methods would be either impossible or too costly.
Hardwood plywood is distinguished from softwood plywood in that the former is generally used for decorative purposes and has a face ply of wood from a deciduous or broad leaf tree. Softwood plywood is generally used for construction and structural purposes, and the veneers typically are of wood from evergreen or needle bearing trees. Hardwoods include such species as oak, walnut, lauan, elm, cherry, hickory, pecan, maple, birch,8uffi, cativo, teak, rosewood and mahogany.
Plywood has many structural advantages. Wood is stronger along the grain than it is across the grain. By alternating the direction of the grain 90 degrees with each successive wood layer or ply, the strength properties are equalized. Pound for pound, ply' wood has been proven to be stronger than steel.
durr d, Q,(/l,lo farnlan
Shakes, Shingles
Lumber, Fencing
Palings, Hip & Ridge
Plywood Plyform
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A property of wood familiar to all is the ease with which it sPlits along the grain. Almost everyone can remember taking advantage of this by cutting firewood with an ax or hatchet; also, nearly everYone has seen wood split from nailing. Cross' ing layers of wood, as in plYwood construction, reduces this tendency so that splitting is not a Problem.
The crossJayering concept of plYwood creates a more stable product. With changes in moisture content of the wood from its wet (green) condition to a completely dry state, it is possible for some woods to change dimension tp to l27o or more across the grain while the dimensional change along the grain is only l%.
In plywood, this across-the'grain dimensional change is greatly neutral' ized so that the maximum dimensional change of plywood in any of the two dimensions (across the grain and with the grain) is rarely over l% to 2%.
Plywood manufacturing achieves a more complete utilization of the log than does lumber manufacturing. This is particularly true when comparing the yield of rotary cut veneer with lumber. No sawdust results from either rotary cutting or slicing, which are the two usual methods of cutting veneer. Plywood manufacturing maKes for a more efficient utilization of species.
Dimension Overhang
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Valuable woods can be used as face veneers and less valuable woods can be used as cores and inner plies. Low' grade veneers can be placed in the panel as inner plies without affecting the appearance of the face veneer and without materially affecting the strength of the panel.
Hardwood plywood is a versatile material; a Breat varieity of products in various sizes and shapes can be manufactured.
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A full-color free brochure shows how easily your customers can add the look and feel of heavy brick or stone with Z-Brick, a non-plastic decorative brick which is completely weatherproof and fireproof.
Wholesaler Inventory
The National Association of Wholesaler-Distributors has released an important management aid, Wholesaler Inventory Contol by Robert L. Van DeMark, $ l5 each, c/o Department 490Q, NAW, 1725 K St., N.W., Washington, DC 20006.
What A Combol
Free full color literature on BelAir Combination Doors that make a versatile .exterior door with controlled ventilation for use in homes, apartments, motels, mobile homes, campers, trailers and many other types of buildings, is now available.
Modular Shelvlng Systems
Woodland Products Co. has a free new four-color brochure on its new modular shelving systems, caLled "The Easy llay To a Beautiful Home." Among models illustrated are the Espana, Mini-Espana and the Antigua, plus installation instructions.
Dealer Insulatlon Ads
John-Manville is offering its insulation products customers new sheets of advertisement slicks to use in their own advertising, featuring various types of foil faced, kraft faced and unfaced fiber glass insulation.
Nalllng Rooflng Shlngles
To insure proper application of roofing shingles, Johns-Manville is offering its dealers a free "how to" package on shingle nailing.
Gonglructlon Sytlems/AWWF
The newly-revised, free Plywood Residentiol Construction Guide contains 33 pp. of cost-cutting plywood systems for floor, wall and roof. The
All.lUeather llood Foundation is an up-dated l6-p. free booklet giving cost comparisons, construction and installation information and comments from builders and architects who have used the system.
Publlc Works Costs
Expanded coverage of up-to-date costs for projects related to energy and the environment appear n the 1976 Dodge Guide for Estimating Public llorks Construction Costs. now available at $18.60 plus tax from McGrawHill Information Systems Co., l22l Avenue of the Americas. New York. New York 10020.
Free Reader Service
For more information on New Products and New Literature, write fhe Merchant Magazine, 4500 Campus Dr., Suite 476, Newport Beach, Ca. 92660 Please mention issue date and page number so we can process your request faster! Many thanks!
Wood Landscaplng Factg
The Society of American Wood Preseryers has published a free guide for the use and specification of pressure treated wood landscape materials Write: Society of American Wood Preservers, l50l Wilson Blvd., Arlington, Ya.22209.
It'll Raek You Up
A free 32-p. product catalog on their rack line is new from Jarke Corp.
Plck Me A Wlnner
A new specification sheet on the 1500-lb capacity order picker has been released by Allis-Chalmers Corp. The ACOP l5S highlift order selector features the company's Actronic control, two speed lift and lower, and automatic lowering stop.
Relnspecllon lnfo
Western Wood Products Assn is making available in a separate free publication the Lumber Reinspection Provisions from its 1974 edition of WWPA Grading Rules for Western Lumber. It serves as a reference for buyers of lumber from WWPA member mills.
Plywood Flnleh Methods
U.S. Plywood has a free, detailed builder manual outlining proper field finishing techniques for textured plywood siding.
Wood Foundatlons
A new 74-p. $3 edition of the "All-Weather llood Foundation System Design, Fabrication and Installation Manual" has been released by the National Forest Products Assn., l6l9 Massachusetts Ave., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036.
Parquet Plank Floors
A new series of designer-inspired prefinished parquet and plank hardwood flooring are described in a free color brochure by Memphis Hardwood Flooring Co., Memphis, Tn.
Two Door Boosters
Two new brochures on wood panel doors, one on the variety and beauty of their many stock designs and the other telling how to install and finish them, are available without cost to dealers from The Fir & Hemlock Door Assn., Yeon Bldg., Portland, Or. 97204.
Sculptured Wood Products
A new full-color, l6-p. free minibrochure from Michael-Regan shows the firm's line of over 300 designcoordinated sculptured wood products,
Cablnets and Flxtures
Touche Continental Cabinet and Fixture Corp. offers a free new and colorful brochure describing their complete line of cabinets for institutional and commercial installations.