1 minute read
By R.V. PETERSEN execulive secretary
,\ NOTHER step in the escalalrl tion of bureaucratic regimentation was made with the implementation of the Equal Credit Opportunity Act.
There is probably no dispute with the theory or purposes of the act; what is deplorable is a "need" which must be answered by federal direc- tive. Regardless of opinion, the Regulation became effective October 28, 197 5 purporting to eliminate discrimination in credit opportunity on the basis of marital status or sex.
According to the Federal Reserve Board "the Equal Credit Opportunity Act constitutes a determination by the Congress that sex or marital status of an applicant shall not be used, as such, in evaluating the applicant's creditworthiness." Con- gress charged the Federal Reserve Board with writing the rules, enforcement to be by "a number of federal agencies acting in their own jurisdiction, after consultation with the public, including women's groups, other customers, credjtors large and small, individuals and the Congress."
Some provisions of the Regulations:
-A ban on use of sex or marital status in credit screening systems.
-No inquiries into birth control practices, childbearing capabilities or intentions.
-Generally, no requirement or use of any unfavorable information about a spouse or former spouse where an applicant applies independently for credit.
-Reasons for terminating or deny- ing credit may be required of creditors.
By FRANK DAVIS executive vice president
.f HE following is a release from I the State of Arizona on OSHA.
Donald G. Wiseman. Director of the Occupational Safety and Health Division, has announced that the Federal Department of Labor has turned the administration of OSHA over to the State of Arizona for Arizona employers.
Any employer in Arizona can now receive safety help, at no cost, by calling or writing the consultation section of the Division of Occupational Safety and Health.
Arizona is unique in that employers can ask for help in safety in their workplaces and no citations or penalties will be issued. The Division of Occupational Safety and Health guarantees that a voluntary request for a consultation will not senerate an official compliance inspection. This is an opportunity afforded by the Arizona law for employers to find out at no cost what, if anything, they need to do to meet the state safety standards. Call (602) 27 1-5'195 or write the consultation section, Division of the Occupational Safety and Health, 1601 West Jefferson, Phoenix 85007.
In other association activities: in December, in conjunction with the second quarter board meeting held on Friday, December 19, the following committees held meetings on Thursday, December 18. They were convention ' planning, long range planning, and membership. The meetings were all held at the Double Tree Inn, Tucson.
Fourteen members were approved for membership.