2 minute read
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By ROSS KINCAID executive director
As a reminder: the Fair Labor Starr dards Amendments of 1974 provide for an increase in the minimum wage rate to $2.30 per hourbeginning January 1, t97 6.
The NLBMDA Transportation & Materials Handling Committee has testified before the Chicago Board of Trade in opposition of the 33" unit theY adopted as the standard for the industry.
The National stronglY suPPorts a 25" plywood unit because it is con- sidered to be less costly to handle. You are urged to examine your handling costs to determine if the 25" package would be of benefit. If you find it so, write to Jim Sullivan, P.O. Box 644, Vancouver, Wa. 98660 and express your support of the National and its committee in favor of the 25" unit.
The Farmers Home Administration received its full apportionment of fiscal 1976 funds in November and has started allocating those funds to the field. $2.343 billion (for Sec. 502 single-fanr ily home loans) and $340 million (for Sec. 515 rental housing) will be available.
Mountain States Lumber Dealers Association
5401 South Princo St., Littleton, Co. 80120 (303)795-2826
By KENT MOXEY executive secretary
FlXg of our forthcoming employee
\;ltraining programs is our basic materials estimating school, conducted by our own O. K.Stookesberry, a long time lumber dealer, teacher, builder.
He knows it all by heart and long ago learned the importance of knowing how to come up with a material list and estimate you can be confident in, without wasting a bunch of time doing it.
The student is led for two daYs through a set of blueprints for a house, and in the process learns to use the scale, read blueprints and use his head. Many formulae, hints, and ideas for efficient estimating are taught.
The theme is practical use of estimating as a selling tool so it becomes a habit when dealing with the customer on the phone, at the counter, or outside.
L. D. Elwell, assistant administrator for Rural Housing, expects these funds to provide about 120,000 units of single-family housing and 23,000 of multifamily.
Funds are being allocated to the field on a month-to-month basis and it is expected the funds will move quickly. Further information and appfication may be made through the local and state FHA offices. Expeditious application is urged.
The Hoff Companies, Inc. of Boise has announced the following appointments to its executive team: James C. Hayes, exec. v.p.;James D. Pippin, v.p.; Harold E. Raper, treasurer.
Our congratulations to Jim Hayes, past WBMA president, Mr. Pippin and Mr. Raper and best wishes to them and the Hoff Companies for much future success.
This is a basic school for the beginner. All materials necessary for the students are provided-a set of blueprints, scale, pencils and paper. Lunches and refreshments are also included.
School sessions are from 8:30-4:30 daily.
Mon-Tues. Mar 8-9. Denver. Howard Johnson's at the Mart I-25 & 5 8th Ave. Ph. 892-17 l7 Mon-Tues, Mar 15-16, Albuquerque Hilton. I-25 & I-40. Ph.243-8661
Mon-Tues, Mar 22-23, Salt Lake City, Rodeway Inn, 154 W.6th So. Ph. szt-2145
Plan how you and your employees can participate in our association's l9'1 6 edtcation program.
Please mail your enrollment form to the Association office at an early date. Supplemental enrollments can be made later.

Fill The Order Wtth One Cali To The Sxperienced Speciatists
Complete remanufacturing facilities on 20 acres I Specialists in supplying hard-to-find species, at Rocklin, California. $urface, Resaw, PET, cuts or grades. Softwoods and Hardwoods. Drying. 10-car spurIntransit facilities, Load I Treated products, Ties, Lumber, Sf{e1 unitized box or flats. lf it's a milling iob . . . I Shingles, Poles, Plywood, Finger Joint Blanks, we'll do itt Rocklin. Galifornia 95677 | $hop and Moulding we'lldo Rocklin, Grades. Glu-Lam Beams. lf it's a lumber need . we'llfill it!

Rocklin, Galifornia 95677 lumber Association of Southern California
(9f 61 €.24.397?
1915B€yorly Blyd., Los Angeles, Calil. 90057,(213) 483-8450