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Change and enthusiasm featured At big Portland convention
ITH a total attendance of nearly 1200 and a contagious feel of optimism in the air, the Western Building Material Assn. held its 72nd annual convention recently in Portland with the enthusiastic participation of both exhibitors and members.
The "Quick Pitch" selling talks that kicked off the convention on Sunday, Nov. 16 set the pace: a full house of interested dealers paid close attention to the product spiel of some 25 exhibitors and later save a standing ovation at the conclusion of Troy Bussey's excellent seminar on selling skills and communication.
The convention also established a landmark in the naming of a new managing officer for the association: there have only been four in its 72 years. Chuck Link will be taking over the reins sometime after March l, from Ross Kincaid, who moves back to his position as director of WMBA's Learning Resource Center. Ross Kincaid had reassumed the top job on an interim basis after Arny Kirkebo had been unable to continue in the job after a heart attack. Arny Kirkebo has returned to his duties as administrative director, the job he had help previously. ln recognizing the massive contribution made by Ross Kincaid in his 20 years as executive director of "Western," outgoing president E.P. "Woody" Railey cited the many association programs and activities that the enersetic and
CARRYING THE affectionately-bestowed title
Jtnurry, 1970 well-organized Kincaid had initi' ated during his tenure. Recognizing the role Ross's wife Gladys has held, Railey correctly observed that together, "they have been the Western."
Acknowledging an obviously heartfelt standing ovation, Kincaid acknowledged the solid support he has received over the years from the membership and the staff, including special recognition to Arny Kirkebo. He said the experiences had been "from mountain top to valley" and the years ones of "never ending challenges."
In an aside, he mentioned that he had recently seen previous WBMA manager Bill Bell, now 86, and that he still followed the activities of the association.
Chuck Link is well-qualified for his upcoming duties as executive director. He is a past president and director of WBMA and recently resigned as secretary of the National Lumber and Building Material Dealers Association and has completed two years as chairman of the [,earn-
Story at a Glance
Ross Kincaid steps down from top WBMA job after 20 years ing Resource Advisory Council. He has been with Boise Cascade for 19 years, most recently as employee relations manager. He and his wife, Ruth, plan to move shortly from Boise to Olympia,Wa., home of the association.
Chuck Link named new managing officer Tom Howell, Cascade Lumber, Yakima, Wa., elected new president . 1976 convention will be in Spokane.
Newly elected officers include: president, Tom W. Howell, Cascade Building Center, Yakima, Wa.; vice presidents Charles Shafer, Irrigators Lumber Co., Caldwell, Id., and Gordon Gerretsen, Gerretsen Building Supply Co. Roseburg, Or.; and national directors W. Stewar Orr. Three C's Lumber Co., Grants Pass, Or. and Ross Kincaid.
Directors are Marion Nussbaumer, Jack Peterson, Robert Adams, Elliott McCluney, Neil Werner, Matt Mattson, Woody Anderson, Charles Hoen(Please turn to page ss )