2 minute read
to helpyou goitths GompsGitive edge
Gongress & Expo Goming in March, 1976: The lirst National Home Center/Home lmprovement Congress & Exposition will be held March 7-'10, '1976 at Chicago's McCormick Place. This will be the first such event where exhibits and seminars are totally oriented to the Home Center/Home lmprovement retail concept. lt's a unique opportunity for you . whether you are located in a small town or major metro area an independent or a chain to learn about the product merchandising and operational techniques for successful retailing of home remodeling, improvement, maintenance, decorating, household, recreational/leisure and related products.
Seminars that rellect YOUR needs: The seminar programs will deal totally with subjects that relate to Home Center/Home lmprovement retailing. The Seminar Advisory Board has utilized the results of thousands of questionnaires mailed to retailers throughout the country to develop the seminars. Topics will include store layout and design, product mix, merchandising and displays, advertising and promotion, inventory control and pricing, employee training and development, customer clinics and services. and other subjects important to management, operating, buying and merchandising personnel.
A "one-stop" erposlllon of products: This huge exhibit at McCormick Place will display for the first time, in one place, the broad product mix involved in the retailing of home improvement, remodeling, maintenance, decorating, household, recreational/leisure and related products. You will see many important product lines and services that you will not find at any other single national trade show . . . displayed in terms of the interests and needs of Home Center/Home lmprovement retailing...the products you want to sell to your do-it-yourself and builder/contractor customers.
Special Display Center ot DIY Literalure: Do-it-yourself literature available to you from manufacturers and suppliers will be individually displayed in a special area on the exhibit floor with reference to the exhibitors. This will help you to locate literature of special interest to you and your customers.
Special DIY Clinics on the Exhibit Floor: These continuous clinics will show you new, effective ways to promote and hold your own in-store demonstrations for a wide range of products. Because they will be conducted right on the exhibit floor, during exhibit hours, you will be able to schedule those clinics which interest you without taking time from seminars or exhibit viewing.
Pre-register now at no charge. . and save $5.00
The Congress & Exposition is an event for all of your key people .top management, operating personnel, buyers and merchandisers. You can pre-register all of them now on the form below . . at no cost . and save the $5.00 fee for those who register at the time of the show. Let us know if you need additional forms.
NAME 5 COMPAN\ fl Hardwars sto6. (l)
I Department stoF with homo lmprovomeni dspartment. (J)
E Discount dep8rtnent stor6 wlth homo lmprovament dept. (K) fl Lumbe, and buildlng matorials whols3al6r, (M)
! Ha.dwar€ whol€sal€r. (N)
E Other whol63aler (Speclfy)
! Manulacluroro.Supplier. (P)
E MsnufacturoB' rgpregentativo orsgent. (O)
C Trad6 A$ocl8tion or Government. (R) n Indu3try Consultant, O€signor, Allled Prol€Bsional. (S)