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available from yr. local lumber dealer. .package includes prepared house plans, info. on mortgage financing, and cost-saving and energy-conserving construction methods for builders. .
Southerfi Forest Products Assn. is concluding a recent multi-week blitz of Midwestern lumber markets aimed at increasing their already growing clout in that and the Eastern markets; looser in market share ls llestern woods, which now take only % of the No. Central market compared with 36% l0 years ago. .today, 52% of Western production stays in the West, compared with 33% l0 years ago. .
Celotex, U.S. Gypsum, National Gypsum and GeorgiaPacific have been freed by a U.S. judge of contempt charges in connection with gypsum price ftxing charges citing the action as "double jeopardy" as the firms have already been convicted of some of the alleged price fixing charges; appeals on those charges are still pending.
J. E. HiSSins Lumber, San Francisco, has opened a new National Div. at Rocklin. Ca.. which has been set up and will be oper- ated by American Lumber Species, Inc. staffers under ALS pres. Les Neadeau, who also becomes div. mgr.; ALS, which plans a new and larger remanufacturing plant, continues to own Mountain Milling, Inc. .High Sierra Wood Products (Bob Prouty, mgr.) recently bought ALS's reman plant at Rocklin.
Sierra Pacific Industries plans to purchase the entire No. Ca. assets of the late Abraham Rochlin (see obituaries, p. 46), no price revealed in the transaction; SPI's "Red" Emmerson has vet to announce future status of the properties. .
Feb. l, Oregon Pacific Industries' distribution centers will officially change their names to Sequoia Supply; centers are at Fairfield, Ca.; Wilsonville, Or.; and Tacoma, Wa., the OP name will still be used by the trading staff. .ICR Corp. has moved its Hq. to Van Nuys, Ca. from Pasadena. .Chandler Supply, Boise, Id., and Brown's Industries, McCall, have jointly purchased Salmon River Lumber Co., Riggins, ld., no price announced.
Jackson Lumber Co., Casper, Wy., is building a 5,000 sq.ft. ($217,000) store and office bldg. addition. A.C. Houston Lumber's new 10,000 sq. ft new store, Hyw. 180 East of Silver City, N.M., is set to be completed this mo. Scio Building Supply, Scio, Or., is finishing up construction of its lumber vard.
Neiman-Reed's lOth Lumbef City store (Van Nuys, Ca.) is expected to be completed in about 60 days. Dunn Lumber Co., near Everett, Wa., plans a March opening for its new 20,000 sq. ft. center; it will be their 5th outlet. . .Capital Lumber, Cheyenne, Wy., plans additional expansion as part of "Phase 2," but plans currently are indefinite.
Andersonia Forest Products is a new Arcata, Ca., office wholesaler which plans a primary emphasis on remanufacturing/marketing of redwood nationwide as well as export; principal officers are G.E. "Ed" Anderson and Dick Harmer, both ex-Twin Harbors Lumber Co. Copeland Lumber has been ok'd for an expansion of its Prineville, Or., yard by the local City Council.