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Manufacluring sidings and Western Red Cedar specialties
D & R's Marysville plant produces rough bevel siding in select tight knot grades and ships by rail and truck to all markets. Look to D & R for quality cedar sidings and specialties. Contact our Cedar Dept.
ALSC Chalrman
John Kelly has been elected the new chairman of the American Lumber Standards Committee.
He succeeds Earl McGowin who held the position for nearly a decade. Kelly was elected to office. the only Westerner
A 35 year veteran of the lumber industry and manager of Trend Lumber Co., Arcata, Ca., Kelly is past President of the West Coast Lumber Inspection Bureau and has worked in everY phase of the lumber industry from logging to wholesale to sawmill.
The ALSC is the governing bodY and licensing agent for all the lumber grading and rules writing agencies in the United States. Its purpose is to control quality standards for lumber produced in this countrY. Members are appointed by the Secretary of Commerce from independent inspection agencies, architectural associatibns, manufacturers, distributors and consumers of lumber. It was initially organized so the lumber industry could police itself rather than have the government enforce grading rules. Fraudulent grading and grade stamps have become virtually nonexistent since the inception of ALSC, according to Kelly.
Of the 44 members and alternates, 17 are Western lumbermen.
The staff of 14 includes 8 inspectors and a chief inspector who continually check mills and are empowered to shut a mill down by pulling the grading stamps.
A New Book on LMC
A new book tells the human story of Lumbermens Merchandising Corp. through people, incidents, what they said, what they did and how they built the wholesale and warehousing company from a $3500 capital investment to one doing a $120 million annual volume.
It was written by lumber industrY veteran James Buckley, Sr., who pro' moted and helped organize LMC in 1935 and who retired as senior v.p. of Georgia-Pacific.
Copies are available from Binford & Mort. Publishers, 2535 S.W. llth St., Portland, Or.,972O2 at $4.95 each.
Hardwood Assn's. 20th
The Northwest Hardwood Association, the membership of which has quintupled since its founding in 1955, met in Seattle recently to celebrate its 20th anniversary.
One of the highlights was a talk by Emmet Nist of Seattle-Tacoma Box Co., the association's first president, who paid tribute to the men who worked with him in establishing the NHA.
A new slate of officers includes president Sandy Bremner, Export Pacific, Inc., Tacoma, Wa.l v.p. Michael Starling, Tumac Lumber Co., Inc., Portland: and treasurer, Robert Harrison, Hampton Hardwoods, Inc., Portland.
New directors are Fred Nelson, Goodyear-Nelson Hardwood Lumber Co., Inc., Sedro-Woolley, Wa.l Carson May, American Crossarm & Conduit Co., Chehalis, Wa., and Paul Stern, Mason Hardwood Co.. Portland.
South Bay Adds Gedar Dlv.
Colly Pare has been named to head South Bay Redwood Company's new cedar products division, according to Jim Frodsham, president. Assisting Pare is Dennis Richardson.
Inventory at the Orange, Ca., yard consists of l" and 2" clear and select tight knot grades in rough and pattern plus an inventory of 4" rough green timbers.
Backed by 46 years' experience in forest products, Pare (pronounced Perry) worked extensively in cedar with MacMillan-Bloedel, B.C. Manufacturing (now part of M-B) and served 15 years with the Pacific Lumber Inspection Bureau.
Ward & Harrington Lumber, now part of National Building Centers, hired him 13 years ago to establish and operate their cedar division. He was most recently in charge of NBC's Crown Cedar Co. A native of Vancouver, B.C., he has worked as a grader, quality control specialist and in management.
Providing Ponderosa Pine millwork and mouldings
From the heart of thepinecountry,D&R's millwork department ships mouldings, inside door jambs-f inger joi nt and solidexterior door frames, all kinds of millwork. Quotations? Call our Millwork Deot.
Dant & Russell, Inc.
Fabricating precision furniture parts and components
Drawer sides, T-guides, a wide range of f urniture parts are milled from domestic hardwoods. Consistent oattern and moisture control, on-time delivery. that's what furniture manufacturers expect and get from D&R Lumber Products! Need help? Ask D&R's Millwork Dept.

Bringing in doorskins, hardwood plywood and hardboard panels
D&Rfurnisheshardwood doorskins in many species, hardwood plywood in all thicknesses and pine hardboard panels from Sweden, Finland, Portugal. Compare our prices, service, integrity. Ask