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Los Angeles Hoo-Hoo-Ette Club - Jan. 12, dinner meeting, Limehouse, Chinatown, Los Angeles.
Oakland Hoo-Hoo Club - Jan. 15, concat, Francesco's Restaurant, Oakland, Ca.
Coast to Coast Stores - Jan l8-20, Western div. meeting, Portland Hilton, Portland.
82nd California Gift ShowJan. 18-23, Bi-ltmore Hotel, Convention & Exhibit Center, Merchandise Mart, Los Angeles.
Spokane Hoo-Hoo ClubJan. 19, meeting, Stockyards Inn, Spokane, Wa.
San Francisco Hoo-Hoo Club - Jan. 21, meeting, The Storyboard Restaurant, San Francisco.
Los Angeles Hoo-Hoo Club - Jan.23, golf & concat, Los Coyotes Country Club, Buena Park, Ca.
Mountain States Hardware & lmplement Assn. - Jan.2527, convention, Stouffer's Inn, Denver.
Pacific Northwest Hardware & Implement Assn. - Jan.2527, convention, Sheraton Hotel, Lloyd Center, Portland.
Orange County Hoo-Hoo-Ette Club - Jan. 27, meeting (place to be announced).
Morintain States Lumber Dealers Assn.Jan. 27. R.O.I. program, Executive Tower Inn, Denver, Co,
Redwood Region Logging Conference - Jan. 29-30, Eureka' ca'
Mountain States Lumber Dealers Assn.Feb. 3, Selling Skills program, Travelodge, Denver, Co.
National Woodwork Mfgrs. Assn.Feb. 8-l l,49th annual meeting, Newport Beach Marriott Hotel, Newport Beach, Ca.
Los Angeles Hoo-Hoo-Ette ClubFeb. 9, dinner meeting, home of Becky Reyes, Montebello, Ca.
Spokane Hoo-Hoo Club - Feb. 14, Valentine's Party, (place to be announced).
Los Angeles Hoo-Hoo ClubFeb. 14, Valentine's Dance, General Lee's (Chinatown) Los Angeles, Ca.
The Technology, Engineering & Marketing Congress - Feb. l7-18, Purpose: more markets for wood, Dunes Hotel, Las Vegas, Nv.
San Francisco Hoo-Hoo Club - Feb. 18, meeting, The Storyboard Restaurant, San Francisco.
Washington Hardware Co. (Anchorage Branch) - Feb. 2021, annual hardware dealers show, company showroom, Anchorage, Ak.
Western States Hardware/Housewares, Paint & Garden Show - Eeb. 22-24, Brooks Hall, Civic Center, San Francisco.
Pacific Coast Wholesale Hardwood Distributors Assn.Feb. 22-25, annual convention, Arizona Biltmore, Phoenix.