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Silver annivers ary conference
f! afUen than use their 25th anI I niversary as an occasion for self-congratulations, the Lumber Association of Southern California structured their convention program on basics; what makes profit, how to make more profit and how to plug the leaks that result in losses.
It was done by manning several panel discussions with the men who really know what is going on in an industry: the men who own, operate and manage the businesses on a day-to-day basis. The results of this real-life feedback were uniformly successful as they produced an abundance of helpful (profitable) hints, suggestions and tips.
Association officers for 1976 include Chuck Jenkins, who continues as president.
The previous president, Seth Potter, resigned the office when he moved to Portland to accept an executive post with the Dant and Russell Co. and Jenkins moved up to fiIl out Potter's unexpired term. Other officers include Don Derbes, lst v.p., Jim Barr, 2nd v.p.l Ralph Cardwell, treas.; and Bill Cowling, sec. Reporting on LASC s recent reorganization at the opening session. Chuck Jenkins covered their four
Story at a Glance
"Back to basics" themed quarter century confab major functioning committees: (l) communications, (2) education, (3) legislative, and (4) wood promotion.
Young Westerners Club formed ... Chuck Jenkins continues as president for 1976 . . next year's convention dates: Nov.10-13.
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Keynote speaker "Bud" Hogberg dwelt on the importance of a profit orientation for business. the role of a manager, and various management methods,
He called profits the activating element in society and observed that all employees of a firm look first the money make, then to recognition of their efforts, a sense
Jenuary, 1976 of belonging, and fulfillment.
"Building Profit Into a Building Material Business," the initial panel discussion, first heard co-chairman Bob Rodecker, Williams Lumber Co., discuss costs beyond salary, such as money-borrowing expenses, recruitment and. training and the necessity to figure them into overall financial planning. Milt Johnson, Home Lumber Co., stressed the importance of an orderly sequence both in the yard and office and the savings resulting from efficient materials hand,ing in the yard.
Pete Ganahl, Ganahl Lumber, reviewed major areas involved in establishing a remanufacturing plan. Cited were (1) space (2) building (3) rnachinery (4) people (5) raw materials and (6) a market to sell. John Purcell, Builders Supply, spoke on credit costs such as the cost of processing invoices, departmental workings and collections. He urged everyone to prepare for the new error disclosure statements required by the feds.
AT WELL-ATTENDED meetings were (1) Bill Cowling. Gary Thomson, Don Derbes. (2) Denny Gilchrist, Daryl Bond, Pete Marshall. (3) Bill Johnson, Max Garmon. (4) Bob McBrien, Bob Woods. (51 Al Newkirk, Marc Myers, Stan Brown, (6) Jim Newquist and tennisgreatNancy Chaffee Kiner. (7) Steve Overton, Hank Childers. (81 Paul 0rban, Jr. Bob Marriott. (9) Dennis Kirk, Pete Ganahl. (10) Jerry Essley chats with golf star. Ken Venturi, one of the convention speakers. (11) 0ne of the profit-oriented panels included (foreground) Milt Johnson, Pete Ganahl, John Purcell; at rear: Bob Rodecker, Frank Purcell.
Former LASC president Frank Purcell, John's brother and a panel co-chairman, reviewed administrative costs. counseled all to beware hidden costs and listed a number of horrors that can and do occur in the course of everyday business life.
That night's Silver Anniversary dinner dance drew all the 250 attending to the big bash and made arising next morning in time for the Young Westerners organizational breakfast at 7:30 a.m. more than a little difficult for some. Formation of the new under-35 group is proceeding and a schedule of events is in the process of being determined.
A second panel, "Profitable Wholesaling by Maintaining Basics," cochaired by Jim Newquist, Eel River Sales, and John Weston, Far West Fir Sales, began with panelist Jim Rossman of Twin Harbors Lumber (Please turn to page to)
MR PRESlDEttlT, Chuck Jenkins, continues at the helm; with him is immediate pastpresident Seth Potter of Dant & Russell and his wife "Jimmie." Lower photo: another fdrmer president, Leon Lauderbach and exec. v.p. Wayne Gardner, looking amazingly fit after recent open heart surgery.