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A. C. MERRYM.AN Advrrtldng Menagcr

W. T. BLACK Su Frucirco

Cwers Nqthem Calif.

ud Pacific Nnthw.st

JackDimne ,pubhsltu

lg.rceU rudcr rhc bvr of Calllania

J. C. Diorc, Prcr. rnd Tru; J. E. Mudtrn Vle-Pre;.; A. C. Mcrryru, Jr.' Socy. Publichcd thc lst ud 15tt of each Ectb .t 3r&19-20 CENTRAL BUILDING, LOS AIIGELES, CAI-, TELEPHONE VArdtc atts EDtcnd u Semd-clas uttcr Scpt Db.r 6, lgzr. at ttc Pctoffie rt Loc AngleL!, Cl[fornl+ u!d.r Act ot Mrch 3, ft?l.

Subecription Price, $2.1X) per Year

Singlc Copier,25 centa each.


How Lumber Looks

Reports from the Northwert rhow that new buriners has kept weII in advance of production cince the fir* of the yeaf,. Most of the mills have good ordcn filea. Ordere for cutting are plentiful and there has been a good demend for plank arrd timbss. Prices are firrn"

The Southern Pine market har rhown rplendid fumprovernent during the palt month and report coming from the South are v€ry optimistic. Longleaf pine timberr are in bU demand. There is a big demand for badly mhed cars, and they are hard to make up. Deelcrr have allowed their *ocks to run ro low that it is now dificult to handlc their mixed car dernands and only rome of, the larger rnills are able to take care of their requiremente. Southern Pine order filea are growing and price* are getting rtronger.

Although the Cdifomia retail demand has rhown conciderable improvement since the firgt of the year, wholeralen report that buying ir rather clow. Howerrer, they ctate that pricer are much better e*abliched lhan two weekr ago. 47 lumber boats are off the Northwert nmi 44 are tied up, and 4 have been trenafetred'to the intercoartal and export trede. It is e*tirnated that there are about 12 million f€€t of rnrold lnrnber at San Pedro with only about SOV7 of thir rtock containing iteme that are readily calable.

Cargo arrivels into Southern California during January were the lightest dnce April" 1922. The total rhipmeatr for Jannary totded 89,955 M ft., which included 77r73O Nl ft of Douglas fir and 121225 M ft. of redwood. Douglas fir impqrts into San Francirco for Janrnry totaled 311630 M

San Diego Hoo Hoo Plant Trees At Lake Morena

The San Diego IIoo Hoo conducted their first Annual ' Tree Planting on Sunday, February 12, at Lake Morena. About 40 lumbermen, together with their families and friends, were present. From 10:00 A. M. to 1:@ P. M. trees were planted on a burnt over area. The trees were secured from the state experimental nursery at Devil's Canyon, near San Bernardino. Luther C. Gordon, county fire warden, and J. E,. Elliott, supervisor on the Cieveland Nationai Forest, also attended.

Following the tree planting, about 100 sat down for luncheon. Cofiee was served free by the committee. Herman Bjornstad, the well known San Diego lumberman, was chairman of the committee who arranged for this reforestation work. The afternoon was spent in games and outdoor sports.

Adverticing Ratce on Application ft., compared with 31,945 M ft. for December. Red'woodcargo alrivalr at San Francisco for January were 19'85O M ft., compared with 161603 M ft. in Decernbea Redwood. The market ir showing improvement. ^All markets are active and pricel are firm. For the week ending February 4, the Chliiornia Redwood Acociation barometer showed, 15 mills reporting: Orders Received, 7'846 M ft.; Production, 8,753 tU ft.;-stripmentr, 6'545 U tt. Ior the year 1928 io February 4, 15 mills reported: Otderr Re' ceivld, 4O,O19 M fu; Production, 41,5OO M ft.; Shipmentr, 31,612 M ft. Gtfornia lilhite and Sugar Pine. Prices continue "t""Cy and dry ctocks in some items are lo$'. Production of California white and sugar pine from January 1 to 28, according to Asrociation figurec, totaled 46r327rMZ ft., a decreare frorn 1927 fi$rres for the sarne period of 8.3Vo. Shipmentl from January 1 to 28 amounted to 83r899'6EG tt, a lVo decreare ftom 1927, and orderc for thir lame p€riod w€re 75,8141878 fL, a decrease of l3.2Votrqn1927 figryes.

For ihe weeL ending February 4, tte Wert Coart Lumber' mentr Aesociation barometer, 111 mills reporting, ehorrad: Production, 108'6571252 ft,t New Busineeq 114'620-'916 ft.; Shipmentr, 1O8'OO1,8OZ ft. For the 6ret 5 wechc of 1928, 1f3 mills report€d': Production, 490rO5O'9El fL; New Burinecr, 627,253 r45O ft. ; Shipmentr, 47 81287 r23O tt

For the week ending February 4, tte Southern Pine Ar' sociation barometer, bared on 1O4 mils' reported: Pro' duction, 65,4271999 ft.i New Bueinel4 621327'51O ft.; Shipmentr, 651173,332 ft.


E. L. Mason, Long Beach manager of the L' W. Blinn Lumber Co. of Wilmington, recently entertained the members of the Long Beach Executives'Association at the company's plant. Following an excellent dinner, the members of the club made an inspection trip over the plant. Assisting Mr. Mason in entertaining the guests, were Marion Welc[, superintendent; William Talbot assistant superintendent; James Lawler, engineer, and A. H. Mason, sales manager.


The Davis Lumber Co., Davis, is constructing a new warehouse which will be completed within a ferv days. E. S. McBride is manager of this progressive lumber concern.

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