1 minute read


For nine years The Long-Bell Lumber Company has branded the name Long-Bell on its lumber and lumber products and for these reasons: l.-It is the identifieation of a properly rranufactured articl-an idetrtification that enables t{re manufacturer to advetise it and merchandise it definitely and effectively.

2.-The identification also enables the disiributor-dre retail lumber dealer-to capitqli"e to his own advantage the promotional work of the manufacturer.

3.-The identification carries through to the consumer the proof that he is obtaining the product of a manufacturer who is willing to back it with his name.

This is the age of identifred, merchandise and in trade-marking its products this conr,pang is endeaaoring to keep abreast of progress'in merchandising just as it keeps abreast of mo dern tnanuf acturing metho ds,

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