2 minute read
Harnmond Senzes Both Sides of the Pacific
frrnEr large capacity sawmills: Samoa, Calif. (Redwood), Mill I City, Ore. (Douglas Fir), Garibaldi, Ore. (Douglas Fir), are the sources of supply for Hammond domestic and foreign shipments.
Cargo shipments from Hammond mills via Hammond steamers to foreign ports forms a direct overseas service on West Coast producrc.
And the same continuity is available in domestic shipments to Eastern and Southern points, supplemented by a reserve lumber stock of millions of feet always on hand at Los Angeles Harbor.
And back of these operations is a strict adherence to superior manufacture and uniformity of grading that readily identifies FIammond Redwood and Douglas Fir products. Vire our nearest office.
Exponr Drpennrrcur: Hammond-B:r$":rf.*" Company. Sruart Bldg.,
The Palisades Lumber and Supply Co., with one of the best equipped yards in Southern California, had their formal opening recently at Corona del Mar. The yards, buildings and supply store were constructed at a cost of $30,- 000. The company's new office building is 2Ax40, of. Spanish type with a novel roof of hand hewn shingles. The company has put in a plan service and a financing system. Lumber, hardware and a complete assortment of building materials have been put in stock, Fred J. Crosier is manager of the new yard.
A. T. Show, I-os, Angeles, representative for the BoothKelly Lumber Co., has been called to Nebraska due to the illness of his mother. He rvill be in the east about two weeks. During his absence, H. C. Clark, Southern California manager of the Booth-Kelly interests, will look after the trade on his territory.
Schumacher Makes New Addition To Los Angeles Plant
The Schumacher Wall Board Corporation is making a new addition to their plant at Los Angeles and when completed it will be the most modern wall board plant in the United States. With the new unit in operation, their output will be double their present capacity. The new addition is 600 feet long. The big feature of their new operations is that no handling is required from the time manufacturing starts until the wallboard comes through the finished product. Through the use of a conveyor system all handling is eliminated. The new plant will be in operation in a few weeks. Leland S. Rosener, consulting engineer, with offices in San Francisco and Los Angeleq designed the new plant.
Lumbermen Hurt In Auto Accident
While recently driving to Stockton to participate in a golf tournament, Edwin Grove, city salesman for the mill department of Friend & Terry Lumber Co., and Tom Brown, representative in the Sacramento Valley for the J. E. Higgins Lumber Co. of San Francisco, were both injured in an automobile accident. Mr. Grove received bruises and lacerations on the face. while Mr. Brown had three ribs broken.

The Geib Lumber Co. has opened a yard at Encinitas on land recently purchased there. The company headquarters are at San Gabriel. They also operate a yard at Carlsbad. L. E. Glenn, formerly connected with the Geib yard at Carlsbad, will manage the new Encinitas yard.
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Isenhower of Sacramento are fecipients of many congratulations from their friends on the birth of a baby daughter on January 31. Mrs. Isenhower and their young daughter are reported as doing fine' Mr. Isenhower is one of the popular young lumbermen in the Sacramento territory and represents the Holmes Eureka Lumber Co. in the Sacramento and San Joaquin Valleys.
Howell Baker And Roddy Mulholland Visit Northwest
Howell Baker, president of the California Panel & Veneer Co., Los Angeles, and Roddy Mulholland of their Los Angeles sales force, are in the Northwest on a business trip. Their itinerary will include stops at Tacoma, Spokane, Portland, Marshfield and San Francisco. They will return to Los Angeles around the middle of the month.
Pipe And Tanks
We have manufactured rand installed PACIFIC Tanlcs, Pipe and Vats for mining and milling companies, irrigation districts, etc., continuously since 1888. If you have a problem let our engineers help you.
Send for catalogs, prices and information.