1 minute read

As Good a,s Cash to Kdnood rytailers

Theseprospects that are sent to retail y"tdt stocking Redwood are worth money to those who are wide awake and follow them up.

A careful survey of 11,000prospects recently received brings to light the following facts: Out of every 12 prospects:

S build witbin 6 nrontlts, and 2 use fu&lood.

7 build within 18 monthq and 4 use fudutood.

Approximately half of the Redwood dealers who have written commenting on the prospects received, say that they definitely produce new business.

Theseprospects are received through national advertising. They are people who are seriously considering their new homes. Thgy have not yet secured L contructor, in most instances, and arc rca,dy to listen to your story. Be first on the ground, and get the business.

If you stock Redwood, but have not been receiving the list of prospects in your neighborhood, notify us to put you on the list.

If you have been discarding the list, gla nce ^g in at the figures above.

Be sure to ask us for your copy of "California Redwood." It gives LcctfiLte information on dozens of woods as well as Redwood. It costs you nothing.

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