2 minute read
California Building Permits For January
150,000 ft. l" No. I Com' and Btr. K. D. Birch.
75,000 ft. l' No. 2 Comman K. D. Bircb.
100,000 ft. 1x5 and Wdr. 8, and Lgr' No. 2 Com. A. D. Birch.
10,m0 tt. 5/4" No. I Com. and Btr' K' D. Birch
12,000 ft. 6/4' No. 1 Com. and Btr. K. D. Birch.
30,000 ft. l3/16x2%" First Grade Maple Florirg.
75,000 ft. 73/L6x2l+n Sccond Grade Maple Flmring.
90,000 ft. l3/l6x2ytil Third Grade Maple Floring.
100000 ft. l3/l6x2a/L" First Grade Birch Flooring.
75,m0 ft. l3/l6x2tA" Second Grade Birch Flmring.
50,000 ft. l3/L6x2t/a" Third Grade Birch Flmring.
15,000 ft. 3/8xl% First Grade Birch Flmring.
Wcstern Representativc JEROME C. GRIPPER
714 fir*lt l&h St ' Los Angeler
Thie raw will cut quicLly aad economically on cither hard or roft wood. l\fhcthcr ripping, cutting-ofr or mitering, it will rtand fart hand fced without rubbing or ovcrheating. The ruccctrful pcrformance of Sirnondr Sawr, Knivce and Filer ir duc to the fact that tLey rre backcd by Simonde rnanufacturing experience of neady I Gentury. \l/hen ordering rpecify Simonde Planer Saw for rnbotLcr cutting. Do not acc€pt a cubrtitute.
Los Angeles, Calil - San Francbco, Calif.
l. Thc Supcc Hcr produccr I)OUBII THICKNESS OVER THB BNTIRB RooF SIRF'ACB rrvr lt l. &ubly watcotlglrt, wcatlrcrlroof rd durrblc.
2. It rlll orrtbt tfic butldhg ' ' ' ' €rnF.ltlor r.oofr, of thfdrrFrc erc rtlll dvln8 aood ctwlcc rftcr rre'tlrrrr 3O ycrn of rse.
3. Imrnunc to f,yfnt rp.*. rrd cnrbccl. thctr 0r. rcdrtrncc tr cndoncd by ttr? Nrtlanal Urrclcrsrttcrs t ? ' t gtvtng than thc CIASS C UIBEL rnd lwcr Inamncc rat6 cr both hanc rnd cont.cntr.
{. Thc rernc rco,6n3 rnetcrtd crn bc urcd lor vrllcyr. rldgcr and hlpr vv r " a jrcrt $vlng ln ptrrcc of ecly mctrt wck.
5. No Rottlng, Ct cldnS ot Rutlng v r r v lGldt end 1a*r crnnoaharrntlrc 6nc rnatcdelr Supcr Hcx Stlngtcr rrc madc of t t ' r raln watcr fronr t'hc roof crn bc rfcly ucd for rll domcrtic purpocc..
O. AEAUTTFUL. T.IATURAL NON-FADING YOSts. MITE ROCI( COLORS r r r rldr rcdr, grecnr, goldcnbror.n" blua.bl,rck, tllc rpd rnd varfcgrtcd blcn& th.t afc lr pcrrnancnt aa natunc ltrclf t r r r they ncv6 ncod pctnt d.t ln.
7. Strpcr Hcr Shlnglcr paodrre thc much datrcd SEXUI-THATCIIED EFFECT duc to thclr doublo th'tcLncaa. nrgcd rock tcrturc rnd pronounccd rtredow-linc.
t. LAID RIGHT OVER THE OLD WOOD SHINGLES for rc-roo6rr8 " r r t ng cxpcrr!€ for tcdn3 o6 rnd ctcontng up t'he old rtrlngler. Thlr fcrtucc abo produccr doublc rcofing inruLgtlcr ! i " v a smlcr lromc ln rurnlncr and no heat wertc ln wlntcr.
9. Grcater ProtcetlortPcr Ycar Pcr Dollar bccrusc thc Supct Her larts lurger " " l@kt bcttcf, r " ' rcducer ingurance r t r nd8 no pelnt or gtain v v r lnnrlatec against hcat and cold t t r r dotrble thlck r " t t beautiful r r r water-tight r r rwcathcrlroof trr 0rc rctardant t0, Manufactured Ercludvcly by tlrc Ptonccr Prpcr Company, Inc., inrurlng quallty' rcnlce, full coopcratio,n fron our ErUinccr'rng Dcpertmcnt urd r bcttcr product alwryr for yorr custdncr..