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Tcn Serrh hir:
Kearncy 3788
TfN TI|E ycart of wcttcrn rooftrg cxpcrltince, rlnitrr tc otdslnd lllndrl43att ttS ? ' ' ? in t*rc largest and moct complac cxctwlvc roo6nS factorler ln ttrc rrGtt v r ' ' Itl thc devclopnrcnt of ltr own rycctel Droc€tse and manufrcturtng metlrodr ' ' t t Plqrccr har produccd a complctc linc of roofrngq butldtng papcrt ard Yocanttc roclc nrrfacod shtnglct cccond to nonc.
NOW'''' IN IITC PIONEER YOSEMITE ROCI( STJRFACED SI,'PER HEiK SHINGLE Pioneer Deelcrs ere glvcn a product with <r iIIe d'|ca rctling ailvantaga' v r r tiG8d thcrrr ovcr at thc lcft. Thesc are thc naasons why the SUPER HEX b thc greatcct roofng value on tlrc markct r r r r i?oSoo3 that your ctrrtqrrerd will understand and appreclatc ' r r r re88(tll3 that yotr can use to dorrble and triplc your salcr volume.
And rcniqrrbcr ' ' ' ' Plonccr becks cvcry salc you makc. You can dcpcnd on lmmenrc $oclc to fill yonr needs immcdiatcly. You cen dcpcrd on Plonecr to crcetc &rnand wtth steady, cficstlvc ad' vetttring r r r r ]|ou Gsrl dcpcnd on ttre Plonecr EnfinccrtngDPar&ncnt for rcal cooperation and cclllng help, always. And you can dcpcnd cr Pionccr Pnoductc to glvc your custdncrs thcir monc5"r wolth and to glve you biggcr pro6tr.