1 minute read
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No one-no plant-is immune to Fire. No matter how carefully you may safeguard your property with the most thorough measures of fire preventionno matter how fireproof everything may be madeno matter how vigilant you .uy be against carelessness on the part of visitors and in your own organization-the time may come when Fire will slip by all barricades and take his toll. When Fire is in your dish, what then?
The Associated Lumber Mutuals believe in prevention fiist. We give expert cooperation to our policyholders to eliminate fire risks and prevent loss. Ifor whenthe real emergency comes, our resources and our reputation guarantee fair adjustments ,and prompt payment of losses. This quality protection, specialized for the lumber' industry, is through our dividends provided at lowest. cost to the policyholdef.
Ash any of our companies to give you detailed information as to the advantage to you of Lumber Mutual Insurance.