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furnished by the Hammond Lumber Co., Los Angeles, were used in the magnificent guest house.
conitruction of this
The stone blocking on the exterior of this building shows one of the many artistic and natural effects that may be produced with finished concrete.
Santa Fe Lumber Co. Head Returns From Northwest Visit
J. Russell
A. J. "Gus" Russell, manager of the Santa Fe Lumber 'Co., San Francisco, returned February 3 from a t$'o weeks' :'business trip to the Northrvest in the course of which he .visited Portland, Seattle, Tacoma, Everett, Aberdeen and iother points, calling on all his company's mill connections ,iin that territory.
.; Asked by a representative of this paper for his impres- 'isions of conditions. Mr. Russell said that Northwest sawlmill operators generally intend mdking only what lumber ,the market will readily absorb this year. Most mills have :good order files, and operators are feeling much better about the future of the industry than they did 60 days ago:
'i Logging camps in the Grays Herbor disirict are operatin'g
.: at i6out 85 plr cent of capacity, but only at about 30 per 'cent capacity in the Puget Sound and Columbia Rivei districts. -Moit of the Willametti Valley mills are running. Orders for cutting are more pldntiful due to the big ' volume of cirnstruction all over the country. Timbers and plank are the strongest feature of the market at the pres-