1 minute read

Capacity! Speed and Power!

-and the Willornette nanteplate gua,rantees reliability and seraice

HE NEW WILLAMETTE type "C" Canier will handle loads of ANY LENGTH with ease.

The heavy duty, 50 h. p. Red Seal Continental Motor, wit'h truck type Brown-Lipe transmission. Timken-Detroit differential, and Timken roller bearings throughout, allows the machine to be operated at top speed regardless of load or ground conditions.

Additional outstanding Willanette Carrier features are: 3-speeds forward and 3 speeds reverse. Swinging and compensating load grappling bars, operated by one lever. A positive screw tytrre load hoist that is very simple, and has a speed of one foot in two seconds, with capacity load. 4.wheel steering. Standard electrical and lighting equipment, including Bendix starter. Frame construction of proven desrgn. Full automotive equipment.

Carriers are built in sizes to meet your individual requirements. Vrite for detailed description, specffications, and prices.

Villamette'iutility" Carrier Model'B- with 6 cylinder Red Seal Continental Motor and 4.wheel ste€ring. Weight only 6fiX) lbe. Thlc carrler dedstred to ret a necd fcl. Carrier onall cnogh to wck in cle qurt rs; cogertcd rtrage yudq, warebouree, nar.w dcka, frclght terminalr ud rctail luber yards..

2. A enier whc€ relght, wlth fuu loa4 vllt not ovcrload dcks, wehre tlqs' ctc.

3. A cmis wllch, ir sDlte of dewud weigh! vill hudle big lode. ,1. A cuier that hu apeed, flexlblllty ard raliable power at low operatlng cct.

5. A cmier tlat lc codderably lowcr h pice, with no scrifice in cualtty.

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