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How Lumber Looks
Saler continue to top productionr according to the lart report received from tte Wect Coest Lumbermen'r Arrociation. One htudred and forty-one reporting members of this asrociation reported for one week, salec: 11511281862 feet; production 1O7r566r4OG feet and ehiprrentr 122'936r572 fed,. Forgr-one per cent of the raler were for futwe water delivery and but 8'OOO'(X)O feet for export. Rail orderr total about two thourand cara The 6r millr have booked orders for epproximately 2OO'O0O'O(X) feet more than their production, rince the 6rrt of January.
.The lrrarket is a little more brirk than at the la.rt writing, with more intere* being rhown in rtock rheetr, and more orderr being placed. The price of commont weakened about one dollar for a few days, but teernt to have rtiffened again to pracically the same ar of two weeks ago.
The demand for latrh and shingler fu wea[, with pricer about the sarne, possibly inch and a half lath a little lower.
Flooring and ceiling remein scarce and the prices in the sky. This conditon has prevailed for thirty dayr, and the buyeru are clamoring for this ctock. Green clean have not changed in two weekr.
Shipments into San Pedro for March up to the nisht of the 27th, show no slackening, One hundred and tbirtynine cargoer, dth a total footege of 152r940r00o feet re-
1922 Totals Are Enormous
The following figures were compiled by Mr.J. H. Booge of the Pacific Southwest Trust & Savings Bank of San Pedro.
The grand total of the water borne lumber shipments from British Columbia, Oregon, Washington and Alaska for 1922, was 3,4O2,316969 feet, as compared with 1,9i3,193.482 feet in 1921.
Of this, California absorbed 1,5W,257,610 feet, 1,081,656,439 feet went into the foreign market and balance to the Atlantic Coast and other domestic points.
Japan was the heav.iest foreign customer with 59O,921,637 feet. Australia took t59,263,848 feet.
The above figures do not include the shipments of Redwood, etc., from California points.
Of the grand total for 1922 Washington furnished 2,179,167,484 feet. C)regon947,215,967 f.eet. The balance coming from British Columbia and Alaska.
ported in. Of there, one hundred and eight were fir and thirty-one redwood.
The redwood millr are working to full capacity. Fifteen reporting numberc of The Califordi Redwood Arrociation give. ttere totalr for the week: Salee, 10'869'000 feet; production, 9r784r(XX) feet and shipmentr 8r362'O(X) feet. .Thir new burines rhowr an increare of approximetely l,(XX),(X)O feet. One mill ir working two shiftc per day, and tbe others full time.
A report jurt received from the Southern Pine Arro' ciation rhowr a elightly lower totd of raler under their production. One hundred and thirty-reven milh reported ralec of 76,165,756 and, theh produc{lon, 85'190,393. Shipments of 8O,6221262, or jur! a little over five per cent below their prodtrction, which was about four per cent below normal.
Some very intererting figures are contained in e report just igued by Mr. Henry Riddiford of Los Angeler, on tbe waterborne coast-wise receiptr for tte past five years. The following are taken at random: Receiptr at San Pedro, in 1918, total 48o,134,921 feet; in 1919, 559,154,754 feet; in 1920, 734,309,041 feet; in 1921, 614,098,918 feet; in 1922, 1,169,475,383 feet.
With the other Southern California portr, the grand total of receipts lm1922 was: 11398,947,679 feet.
(From rnarket report, March 15th issuer, The Gulf Coast Lumberman, llouston, Texas.)
"An interesting development of the past sixty days is the fact that California pine boards, shiplap, and siding, have been selling freely all over Texas and Oklahoma for the first time in history. The California mills have had men working this territory thoroughly."