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Lumber By-Products, North and South From Shasta's LoftY Summit to
The Duffield Lumber Co. of Palo Alto are having plans mJe-fo, extensive improvements to their already pretenti;" pl;"t. When th"r" ttt* additions are completed' iir." .,iiff reflect one o{ the mo'st modern finishing mater'ial ;l;i.r'i; -c"iir..tti" and will include display rooms where customers may inspect and secure competent lnlormatlon """l".iyiftG'that enters into home building; also lumber' *itt-*oit , pJint, and hardwood departments' These prorr.rtiu. mlrchants are prepared io care for all depart?;;;; "f fto-. building,^ from furnishing the ntaterial to building the'comPlerlj.*.1_
Shull Lumber Company Spreading Out
"Shull Service" is the slogan that h-as been adopted.by W. d. ""2 n. W. Shull proprietors of the Shull Lumber a;;;;;t;lerating yards now in Iowa, Minnesota' Nebraska and California. "-fh"ir ;.* yard at Beverly Hills is fast nearing tom,pl:; tion, ancl at this yard they will carry a complete stocK oI sash and doors, builders harware' paints, etc'
Aneventofirrterestinthehardwoodflooringbusiness i, itt. fact that The Superior Oak Flooring Company, o{ llelena, Arkansas, are ripidly constr-ttcting a new. unit^to in.ir ftl.a*ood flooring plani at Helena, that will !" !lished and in operatiori ilout May first, that will double the production of the Plant'
This firm has made such a reputation for itself for .hip;i;g a superior quality of oak flooring that they ha-ve feep iatirty swamped with orders for the past several l'"ntft., Jtrd the enlargement of their plant is a d'irect result of keen necessitY.
New Spruce And Hemlock Firm In Portland
The Buckner-F"rench Lumber Co', is a new wholesale nr- i" Portland, Oregon, composed of C' W' Buckner and E. L. French, who" will speiialize in the sale of clear hemlock and sPruce.
Coronado's Silver Strand.
Buys Sugar And White Pine Tract
The Standard Lumber Company has bought a tract containing approxirnately thirteen million 'feet of sugar and white pine.
The property lies along the Stanislaus River, and the reported -price paid was $4.00 for the sugar pine and $3'00 for the yellow pine.
The Four Masted Barkentine "Makaweli" came into San Pedro on March ninth.
She had left San Francisco in ballast February 27 flot Grays Harb,or to load for this port, but encountered bad *."ih.t and was forcecl south. After a long an'd circuitous course she ca,me into the intended port, leaking badly ' Repairs will be n''ade immed'iately and she will be sent to Grays Ha-rbor for cargo.
Griswold Visits California
Graham Griswold, of the Griswold Lumber Co. of Portland, Oregon, is spending a few weeks in California' After spending ieveral days in San Francisco, Mr. Griswold left for Soulhern Calif'ornia. In addition to looking after his lumber interests. he is devoting considerable time looking a{ter his permailent investnlents in California.