3 minute read
Yard, Mill, Office and Road
What Live California Lumbermen afe Doin$.
Housing Bill Meeting At Sacramento
C. W. Pinkerton, President; Fred E' Conner, Viceoresident : and Tessie Eggelston, Secretary, were the iepresentatiue. -of the Cilifornia Retail Lumber'men's Association that conferred with the legislature committee at Sacratnento on Thursday March 15 in resard to the new Housing Act. They succeeded in [etting the desired amendments incorporated into the ict, so- that the new law on final adoption will be acceptable to retail lumbermen of California' The Ca'lifornia Retail Lumbermen's Association have taken an active interest in the progress of the Housing Act before the state legislature and shoutrd be highly complimented on the success that they have achieved
Mrs. Jessie Eggelston, Secretary of the California Ret"ii-iutitU.r-"nir"A..ociation, hai returned from a field trio which covered the East Bay District andr the Santa -lira Valley. She called on the retailers of these territories to discuss association business. -Attttoott..ment has been made that the next meetin-g of the-Directors of the Association will be held at the Hotel Fresno, Fresno, on APril 12.
Stout Lumber Company Formed At Coos Bay
The purchasers of the Buehner Lumber Companies.interests on'Coos Bay are to form a new corporation' This will be known as the Stout Lumber Company.
W. C. Ribenack, chairman of the California & Or-egon Co*pany will be president of th9 org-anization' H' L' Stooi of Chicago and W. T. Culver ol tuicnigan will b,e the vice-president. W' V. Struby. of San Francisco wtll act as seiretarl' and W. W. Stout is to be the treasurer'
Hiscox And Party Sail For Europe Next Month
R. A. Iliscox, presi'dent of the Western States Lumber Co. and prominent lumberman of San Francisco will sail fi;;n;-v.ir. irt" latter part of April for a six months it"i "i ir."p.. He will bt accompanied by Mrs' R' A' Hiscox, and Mr. "ta l'itt.-lgiegtr { .Parke of Oaklrand' Wttif" '"Ut""d, they will visit fhe Sritish Isles, France' B;i;itr;-Hotiu"a, b..-^r,y, Switzerland, and.I.taly' -lhty ;l#';;'l"1;;to's"" Francisco about the middle o-f Sepi;il;.M;: ;"J Mrs. Hisiox '|are now at Portland' Oregon *ii.i" 1,f.. Hiscox is attending to so-me business matters. O;-il"i;;uy .o"ttt, they will -stop off at Silverton to visit relatives.
SAN FRANCISCO LUMBER SALESMAN LUNC Talbot, San Francisco, Calif.; C. D. Stimson, capitalist and lumb_erm,an, Seattle; J. A. Humbird, of the Hunibird Lum_ ber_ 9o., Sandpoint, Id,aho; A. W. Middleton, of Anderson & Mi_ddleton, Aberdeetr; J. F. Ives, of the Stimson Mill Co., Seattle; O. D. {:h{t, of the Fisher Flouring Mills Co.,_Seattle;-Henry McCleary, of the Henry MEClearv _t_ipngr Co., McCleary, Wash.; George J. Oslood, of th'e Whee{er, Osgood Co., Tacoma: F. B. Maitin, oithe W.rr.r_ haeuser Timber Co., Everett; H. K. Dent, Seattle.
At the luncheon cif the Lumber Salesmen's Club of San Francisco, held at the Palace H,otel on M,arch Z6; Wf.-N.
Salomon, vice-president of the club presided. Richard C. Jones,. president of the_c,lub, was reported out of the city on a business trip to Humboldt County. Announcemeni was made at the meeting that the annuil bowling tournament will be held on the- night of March 30 at th"e powell Annex bowling ,alleys. Willace Boyer and Will Talbot are the com,mittee in charge of the tournament. Mr. Tal_ bot advised that the handicaps have all been made and that se.veral ex.cellent prizes have been selected for the winners. I he bowling tournament is the big winter attraction ,and a .brg turn-out is expected to see the bowlers perform.
The General fnsurance Company, of America, with $?,q0,ry0 capital stock, has been oiganized by scores of the lejrding lumbermen of the pacific Coast, ill the *ay from San Francisco to Be,llingham, for the purpose of satii_ factorily insuring against firJthe mills of the west. Offices have be_en opened by the new organization at 44O3-g White_ Stuart-Henry Building, in Seattle.
H._K. Dent, of Seattle, twenty yoars an insurance man in lhe Northwest, is President, and the 'following is the Board of Directors:

Georg,e S. Long, of the Weyerhaueser Timber Co., Tacoma, chairman of the board; W. H. Talbot, of pope &
-Eenry F. Kalvelage, president of the H. F. Kalvelase Co. oI Portland, O_regon, was a San Francisco visitor duriilg the past week. Mr. Kalvelage was calling on the lumber irade and also made a business trip to pittJburg, California. ff" states that the lumber m'arket of the Northwest is very active and that the lumberman there are very optimistic for a successful year.
Felix Richards Recovers From Influenza
^ Felix Richards, of the Richards H,ardwood Compa.ry oi Sa-n Francisco, who has been sick for the past rnorrtn *ittr influenz,a, is showing much improvement ln health and is now able to devote some time [o his business affairs. For the present, he, is getting down to his office about two hours .each day, so that he can keep in touch w,i,th lumber conditions.
We sell anything in softwoods that the California dealer desires.
White Pine. Douglas Fir, Redwood, Cedar and Redwood Shingles, Split Redwood Posts, Ties rnd Stakes.
Our connections are the best, and ue gioe the best possible seroice.