8 minute read
is c paying inttestment !
It takes but a small amount of lumber for base' boards, mouldings, door and window casings and this can be in genuine hardwood at a small expense, adding very greatly to the beauty and lasting value of the home.
,oorn can be completely finished in the finest hardwoods, such as Mahogany, Koa, Quartered Oak, Walnut, Plain Oak or Gum with built-in buffet, bookcases, mantel or French doors, for only $50 -[o $200 over the cost of Pine.
This rneans a great deal to a good buildeil Suggesf it to Yout client. [An0w00D llEillQuARrEnS FoR 5l YEAR$
Stained Shingles Coming Strong Says Hanawalt
Barrett Hanawalt of the Hanawalt Spaulding Company, of los Angeles, reports that his Cabot stained sh-ingles are t"ffi"S f .t?.t and'better every day as the buildi'ng trade ;;;#.; acquainted with therir. Quite a list of the 'leadins retail lumber concerns of Southern California are al."iau "n tt;. list of purchasers, 'and some very flatter'ing ..poit. of the satisfaltion given by the shingles' have already come in.
The Boyd Lumber & Mill covered the roof of a verY territory with these shingles, Co., of Los Angeles, has sold a very handsome new school
Company. at Montecito, have beauiifui new home in that and The Woodhead Lumber these shingles as the roof for house uorn' being cornpleted.
Morton Called Home From Portland
H. S. N'forteu, of Hill and Morton, San Francisco, who w,as on a business trip to Portlancl, was called home last *."f.-..i"S the sudden death of his sister-in-law Mrs' W' e. b""". -Mrs. D'ean was a pronlinent and well known resident of Oakland.
R. G. Hiscox, of the Francisco, is spending in the Co'lfax district.
Sacramento calling or-r fore he returns to San
Western States Lumber Co. of San the week calling on the Pine mills He will also sPend a few daYs at the Sacramento Valley ret'ailers beFrancisco.
California Redwood Association Adopts Plan of Reforestation
Thousands of California acres, laid bare by the timber_ man's ax, are to be repl,anted wiih redwoods as a ,esult of a pro.graln under way and announced yesterday by the Cal_ iforniia Redwood Aisociation in conjirnction with the ob_ servance of 'I'ree planting Week, M-arch 4 to 10.
,-T,1r"1, of the replanting plan inaugurated by the Asso_ cratron rs revealed by the statement ihat a.lready growing in Humboldt and Mendocino -county nurr.rr". are upwards of.2,000,000.young redwoods irom ,itr;ctr will be drawn the lnrtral. conslgnmellt of young trees to be reset in sele,cted areas between Monterey .ounty and the Oregon ii";:----'-
The first.planting will be undertaken w,ithin a few davs under the drrection of Major David T. Mason. former c,.,,.._ ernment forestrv man and University "i Cjrir.r"; "p;;- fessor who has t ..n ."g"g"J;;';;;;'"nent heacl of its re_ forestation department.
. FiSgres recently cornpiled by the University of Cali_ fornia's.forestry division, ,after i study of tfrr.",y."rr,-ir" said to have warranted the conclusion'that .an acre of cut_ over Redrvood timber_ -land,_ replanted under scientific-di_ 1,._.-,]on, will produce 139,C6 i.i"t, bo"rJ measure, within srxty years. This production, lumbermen say, exceeds by 30 per cent and selond growth "li"lr"lr.'i;';;;;;hJ, timber producing region i" tf,. -U"ltJ'S."r"..
Although but one-quarter of california's Redwood forest area has been utilized for comm.".., ". ,fr"*" _nyI;;;;i figures, it is reasoned that the iedwoJ; giam aclopted has .tarted early may .be assured a continued Redwood supply, due to the multitudinous uses this wood is now put to.
Redwood as a shade and ornamentatiree is em,ployed to a moderate extent in some parts of the state and the As_ sociation is u.rging that this use become more general due to the long life, beauty an<l quick growth th; i;;^p; SCSSC S.
The California plan_of iedwood re_forestation ,is said to be the first in t^he United *;t* *h.r..;" p.".ii""lr;; the prominent lumber manufacturers ol any one region have joined in a serious movement to make--ihe;;1";;"r;;; pernlanent.

On March 21th the,patten Dav,ies Lumber Company suf_ fered a lo.ssof probably $50,000.00 thrilft a fire that totally destroyed the boiter ioom, planing ,riii""a hilil:;"ef,'; their Rio Street yard in toi ange'I.s.
I he same day their.entire.planlt at puente was. destr,oyed by a fire that riged al] da.y i; ih;i"i";;, Durnrns many homes. The paiten Davies C;;p";; ;y trr"i'if;.i;"dr. 'aJ this yard will run around $25.Cb0.fu.
Here is a good retail lumber slogan : "You can.RENT a HOUSE, buiyou,ve got to OWN a HOME."
An eastern retail lumber merchant is using that on his advertising. It might do very well for some california dealer to adopt.
If you can't come to Scotiawe'll bring Scotia to you
For .our friends and customers who cannot come to Scotia and the Redwood c._r";i ;'h1.";;;;;,'rambre in the immense forests a"d i"ibeci'ir,J*i#g"rt "r,a .T::,t, .gTpl"tety equippea Reiwolod-- _lirr- i" the worto, we have preDared a -moving picture which takes you there ai no cost of time, -m6ney oi effort. Qur sales. repr.esentative will gladly arrange to show thrs wonderfully interesting fi-lm.ii, V.*-ir_munity _:,_rltiq-!i.ture 9{ logging*on " llL'.J""""n int.r- estlng demonstration of modern- machineiy and !^.-tj..._": f o.1 I o ggi.n.q, .s aw n g, r"-" " " f ""iiri'i'n g, d ry n g, sortrng.. prlilg, shifting, storing and shippin? of lum_ ber and millwork
Remember we have the whole story of Redwood in the form.of a mighty gooa -t"';'n!li.ttiJ _ni.r, we shall be glad to ,how when yoi i"v-lh" *oro. Wrc-stpply the projection machine.and the film at no expense to you.
..tqau,acrul.rt a^6 p,rrtrib{tcs ol Colilonb Rcdtooil San Frmciaco 6th & Main 3' caliroruia St. n,muaitTfi."-, "r. ":::"j""J[:., Metnber California Reduood Aetociation
Latgcst i,Iatufocturcrt and Ditirri}ltt*t
Secretarv-Marrageo, Rite-Grade Shingle Association l"'t-rt" nJa-a;4"; shingle manufacturing regi'on' prior to 1915. shinsle grades were in a chaotic condttton' A numriiir-t.i.'tl ?t"aitg rules, none of them official' rvere beru ".,t;;1;-;ill;; ind some mills made their own rules without lanY reterence to the standard methods' The conliii;;-;;;"".rt- trt"t a retailer ordering- a car of shingles' ;;i;;; oiJ.i"a from a mill with whoq he had had consid;;;bi" previous exper'ience, was simply gambling on the erade of shingle he would get' "'i"-rqiiitt"-R;t.-ct"de pi-an was er''olved and inspectors *;;; ;;; in irte field to inipect s-hingles at all mills under ii; Ril:i;"a.-p1"n, rrsing in official set of grading rules' The operating of this inspection system has Drougnt oroer has very greatly improved shingle grad.es entire .ttittltt inhustry' Even those mills ili.li;;;of'rn"""fu.ture inder the Rite-Grade insp-ection use "Rite-Grade" as a standard of com-

.iuit" custo'marv amons 'mills and whole- i; ;;; extent, a-o"g rit'ail tumber dealers' ota"ts "as good is Rite-Grade" or "Rite- n"wever, it.- should be distinctlv. underJt.a tri"f n6 shingles c,an be sold as- "Rite-Grade" unless irti""u"at itr. l;nifi-crade Inspected" stamp' .If they do there is no assurance that the shingles have been manu.factured under the Rite-Grade inspection methods.
- The inspectors enrployed by the Rite-Grade Shingle Association ,r" tn.n wilh years bf experience in- shingle.manufacture and men who -know every detai'l of the industry from the standing timber t'o the roof' They travel constantly through tieir'allotted territory, c{iing^un1nn'ou.n€ed and at ir"regular interevals on the Rite-Grade mills' G--"ni"ting a'mill they select one, bunch from ea.ch pack.t'"na ."*ve?. markingihese bunches so there wi'll be no .fr"r"" "t (uUitltuting"another bunch for the one selected and then break open-each bunch in turn, I'ooking :at every ;i;;i;;"d me"sutittg.the number oJ defectiv-e shingles, iI .rrlr.- Th.u also caref"ully measure the size of each bunch b.i"r"1"f.'ing it ,apart, attd aft.t inspecting the bunch they often spread the shingles otrt an-d measure the number ol iin."f iit.ft.s of shingl-es to be.sure that the quantity.is up i" nit"-Ct"de requiriments. After inspecting.the shingles ii"* tn" packers'they go to, the dry kiln and inspect shinsles that 'have gone -through the .dry kiln to see that no defects are developing in the dryin-g process' e"v defective shingtes that are found in the. inspection "r.-iit "n to the pa&et and sawyer responsible for the b;;J and the defeits explained. The result 9f Jh9 intpg:- ;i"" i; f,ti ao*tt o,n a foim, one copy'of which is left with the mili, one copy retained Uy tlt. insPector and one sent i"-ttr" headquarfers of the Rite-Grade Shingle Association' fn.i. inspection reports are figured each month and eaih
cnllFoRlllA wlllTE ,6R\ and SucA.q..lllES
F-ffi9 l**:'Eiibii*fl *'[ffi
and lat-n comDrneq rn'rrE Prw' - *:; \Wr/ and uppers for drainboards and shelv- iJ r""a for stucco. A solid iob ot \qFz s. siding and Moldinge, "t'*tt'i"g.
lay",r,yri.'$;,"1-T.ur.*i;:ft.i*"T iLr, "r,a shook. eheathing. One less item of PAUL BUNYAN' hero -or. old'time lunber u'l material to buv. Reduces cost' ffi:1"""'ittsl;I*t'fii*''i'-f'*r5"'' mill given. a comparative rating. The scores are not used lor advertts,lng purposes by the mills but are nrade known t'o the mills thenrselves in order to foster a spirit of frie'dly competition.
The trademark of the Association, ,,Rite-Gr,ade Inspect_ ed" is allowable only. on shingles that are up to the ilite_ Grade Shingle Assoiiation on"the first of 1^i"uy, Isz{,-it is very seldom nowadays that a Rite-Gradl mill refuses'to make the necessary effort to bring its shingles up to ttre grade but in such a contingency ttre use of lhe Riie_Grade s_tamp_is refused until the shingles are of proper qua,lity. One of the most interesting phases of the i.,speciion *ort is to see the great improvement made bv a mili when it comes under Rite-Grade i.nspection. The fi[ures shown below are the rnonthly averag'e of an actual caJe of a mill sisnine ;D with the Rite-Grade Shingle Association of the firii of "Tan^uary, 1921, the figur-es. shown being the monthly "*,"r"gJ .fo, one .entire year. This is a very typical case, some-,rnil,ls making even greater progress tlian- [his.
Mifrs which
h"";';;;;' ;;;;;il;C;; T{{::r^"
greatly favor the system as compared with private mill in_ spectors, as outside inspectors are given greater respect and consideration Qy ttte workmen Tn the'miil, -". -.-il"fi personalities and private-grudges or friendship, lo-"ti*", sprrng up,between workmen and the man-who is em_ ployed with them to inspect their work. The Association inspector has no more than a nodding acquaintanc; ;iii; th.e packers and sawyers and no pr";fiaice oi i;i;;Jrii;;: The men feel that he- is entirely disinterert"d ";alir;;-;; always -willing to take his decision on grad"s-i, h;-i.;; acKnowredgecl expert. Not only do the Rite_Grade insoec: tors watch very closely_ for, d-efects but they also giade shtngles according to the the smoothness of faces] the smoothness ot butts and the general appearance of the bunches. Recommendations aii always^ made regardins a-ny condition not entirely satis{actory. - For instanc? ii-thE ghingles.are rough on eiiher faces oi butts they are taken rmmediately to the filer for correction.
It is only ne_cessary to follow a Rite-Grade inspector on one or two of his trips to realize the enormous g6od being done the shingle industry by the Rite-Graoe pran.

Guarantecd to be the Fineet Milled and Most Perfectly Kiln Dried Flooring in the Wortd.
Rock Maple Flooring
l, 5nd Fiber' Tiqht- Grained rvood witb a Frintrike Rcairtance to woar. l-LtsAR' or Firrt Quality, for Homes, Apartment B-uildingr, Churcher,_Hotcls. Whcn varnichcd or waxcd, Meplc her a beauti- ful, golden.yello*ieh color, dccfeuing in ti-" 1"" i.Jli.f_g"ia, NO' l, orrecond Quality, for,schootr, Gymnariy-Tr, Hoepitale, Office Buildins!. FACTORy, or 3d Gradq rnorc rcrviceablc and at a lower cort than for roftwood flooring. .Wili outweat "too"- ir" F;;a;;i""; 1}lr"1ri1.""., shopr.
UNEXCELLED DURABTLITY (Beech hae been thc choren wood for bloc! nlanes and tool handlec for more than 100 yeerr.) coLoR darker and warmer, cr;in ;;r;;pJn, taker " ni"-"tii, n;irh:--EJ;;;;-il Low price.
[?1"Y:1r,Yf$.""t*5t"1Yt",?tlfilrj|]Tt3:"J"IM Po'eerer thc widert known rcope ror color Effcctr or any floor-