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Happenings in Hoo-Hoo Land Doings and Sayings of Tom
If anyb_ody failed to enjoy themselves at the two_dav party- at Santa Barbara, Maich lTth and t8ttr, they failei to infor,m us, so we will report it a 100 fer cent affaft.
^ $ghtl-six cdts,. Jcitteni h"a ,ladies',.girt"r.e-"i tt,. {llllgtoT, during the-day Saturday, these coming from va- rlo's pornts ot Northern and Southern california. The golftournament came off as per schedule, with twentv entries. Part of fhe bunch had gotten up "t a"yfighi-;;f had- practised all morning, with ihe ,"roit that "the- f"J., ?illti. gang, one Herman"Rosenberg walked "*"y Uit-o". ot the prlzes, the consolation. Herman turned in a snaoov. honest 148, and he is to be congratulated. St"*i* t" iiJ.j ry:t !y.o weeks ago, his first e"ighteen tof., *ur-*"ai^li tzu, tt"he keeps up this way he will hit 200 and can call nrmsert a teal player.
.Jr,E. f1o;d-Jones copped the first prize with a net score or /J, and te'd Lawrence ran aclose second with a Zg. The Santa Barbara boys ha(provid,ed these prizes and Hoo_Hoo rs surely indebted for the thought. A pair of ensraved candle sticks went to Lloyd-Jonis and iawren". a-rew-a silver .platter. -Roy Stanton walked away with third, hi; score but a little highet' than the others,'and Iack ff6aee took Jourth. Roy ind Jack were a titit. of" i;;*. R;; complained that Gus Hoover kept talking and, threw hirir off. Jack Dionnes special prize fbr the fir-st .99'; l;;;"J-i; T"?,*on b;r A1 Penberttiy, and Art was a surprised in_ drvtdual. Just starting in- the g'ame, he is now i fan, and with a fine back sp,in mashie as- a start intends buyins the balance of a set of clubs and get good. Rosenbeigs "prize yap al appropriate one, a loot of instructions ,,?toi" io IJrrve." We could w5ite_a book on this golf play, but won't. clint -Laughlin provided the fun on trie courie. If clint ever does connect r,vith a ball with that wild swinE of his some rancher in New Mexico will think ,it is hailing grrll balls.
The dinner and concat followed this, Snark Curtis Wil_ lia,ms presided, with Parson Simkins assisting.--F;il;;; / kittens were initiated, and there were four rei-nstat"me"ir. Scott loyd and-the rest of the Santa Barbara--"-1"r. "r. to be thanked for their hospitality, they worked hard to make this afrair a success, and it sure wai.
. Vicegerant Snark Curtis W,illiams failed to show up on this date, and was fined one dollar rfor not U.inj e*lusJd.-' Jack. Rea was the Chairman, and Jack did prettv well for such short notice. A. L. porter of Spokan. *"i. " ""* itterestjng talk, mostly about the plans of ttir "".o.i"iiori. H. G. Larrick was a ,visitor from- Santa Ana, he i.;i;.I all Los Angeles Hoo-Hoo to attend the Oranse C;;i; Concat to be held in Anaheim on April Zfstl- F;;;;; - Simpkin info:'ms us that this makes 26 Concats th"t h;;; been plann._d _f"I April, and more to :q6rns. fne qarso" was applauded for his instructive description of ttri, Jl_ coveries that are being,made il-Egypt, and told ttre loys of fhe connection these bore to Hooliioo.
T.he Los Angeles District Lumber Mens Club is meeting again on Thursdays with Hoo-Hoo. Having thei; t;;i_ ness meeting after the luncheon.
^ Parson Simpkin,, National Chaplain of Hoo_Hoo and Grand Old Man arr,ived i" Lo, fig.ies last week. The Pars'on has traveled _many thousanai-oi,mites in-lh. i;;; few months, has made hundreds oi-speeches i" tn. i"l.i- 'ests of H'oo-Hoo and- now intends tit irrg a well earned rest with his family in Santa Monica. Fe attend;e ;h; concatenatlon at Santa Barbara on March lZth, and, also l11.,,gjy"" the boys two -very interesting lectures on lhe rradlrt'ons and hlstory of Egypt, the f-oundation of the Hoo-Hoo order.
EiSht- rveaklings had their eyes opened and were led into the _land of Hoo--Hoo at the ion."'t"n"tion held at Fresno on March tenth.
. Vicegerant Snark A. W. Bernhauer reports a record breakinE attendance. and states trrai *ltrr-;t" t.rrgirl"il of the type who have just j;i";;. Ii;;_H;" .wrr conrrnue to make records each vear.
;pgnreme Senior Hoo-Hoo C. D. LeMaster attended this affair and helped to put it over.