2 minute read
Still They Come
Ed. Houghton, who helps the Earl Hoffman Company keep the fii,market down io normal in Los-Angeles-is respoirsible for this one. Ed. besides being a darn good lumberman and a wit is a beautiful singer, he is known as "Lu,mberdoms John McCormick." Ed. advertised for a stenographer, "irust have lumber experience, and be morally clean."
Here is the first answer he received: Gentlemen:
I am answering your advertisement for a stenographer and have the following qualifications:
My salary must be3t8.m per week 1ad^1o3-should.be willing to PLANK this down, as it is % SCANT of union Drlces. '
This does KNOT mean that I am ROUGH GREEN or a SAP, simply a RUSTIC willing t9- lB399Lgfvour organization. - I do KNOT mind WORKING EXTRA, nor i"itt *u amb,ition WANE. There is no conCEILING the fact that I am good. I am WELL SEASONED an.d- your force might we-ll PATTERN after me, for^yo"^X:tl- !:i nothing FIOORIUG me. Nothing CHECKS or STUMPS *" ".rd I can do your work without BATTEN -a-1 !y-9'- ^
I am some SHAKES with a typewriter, I\{OULDING mv letters carefullv as one well RED WOOD C, rmy CONSfnUCftON being perfect.
As for my moralsl -I have, qUE--F4!-ED manv q{g'TTY situations. It WOOD be BASE FIR me to be STEPPING out with your female help, as I w?!t rylod;r^p FINE FIR me. -Making SPLITS in home TIES WOOD -.i" -y FINISH. You-will always find me SIDING with my employer.
Witf ."y I am of the pusher,type, not of the HANGING STILE. im of a DIMENSION that will suit, as I know you can KNOT have a CULL or a SISIE. I can certainly FILLET.
It ,must be CLEAR to you that it will KNOT Pay t9 SHOP around nor take me Opp THIE LIST' Simply call HOLLY WOOD TWO BY SIX TEN tomorrow' Yours ttuttfitt"uR \\ioRK.
Re,member-I will always be working like a B & B T R'
Southern Pacific Milling Make Additions At Paso Robles
The Soufhern Pacific Milling Company are making additions to their Paso Robles yaid which will include a new yard office and display rooms. This- concern also operate '""tJ.-""a grain ware houses at Salinas, -King City, Paso 'noUt.., Sai"nt Louis Obispo and Santa Maria' This p-ro;;;;;i;; orsanization is under the management of Bill biito", with- headquarters in San Francisco'
The above is the name that has been selected for the "rid- tf-,"l will be located on San Fernando Read near the ilant of the Coast Lumber Comp-any' ' This new company has been formed by J' C' Dallavo' R. Longwell, and tT t' Utt"*--
The California Lumber Merchant editorial-"God Helps Those Who Help Each Other"-f1e6 a recent issue, was prominently reprinted in the March issue of "The-Ritebrader," the official organ of The Rite-Grade Shingle Association, of Seattle.
The Genenl Manager
"Some way or other we must eliminate the delays on material and men sent up to the woods. Too much time is being lost by having extra people and parts wait around here until our locomotivee go back to the woods.
We ehould get an M.A.C. Utility Gag Car. It will save its first coet very soon, in the increased production, guick transportation for spare parts and supplies, and released from shut-downs, that we could get from- it."
The list of specifications at thc left show the quality of material and parts used in the lf,..dC. Gas Car, It is built to last and give continuous service while laating. "The M.A.C. is built to work, not to be repaired." Its uses are unlimited. For hauling, pulling, as a.fire fghtiag c_ar (we lrave soecial equioment for this) and for all of th around logging-operat (we this) special for rr. the rush jobs grng-oDeratrons. W-rite oJ wire us for catalog and price. Get your overhead siarted downward.
Skagit Steel & Iron Works
Sedro-Woolley, Warh.