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Building Display at orange show
The 'I'hirteenth Annual Orange Shorv. held at San Ber_ nardino, closed afte r.ten great d"ays of success in all ways, the attendance break-ing "il pr.,rio'.r. ,..o.,1, ouas ove. 2i5,_ 000, reac.hing oJel 40,0q0-in'one auy. -i1" variecl prog-*n, ran continuously from February I6-to 26.
Among the most popular booths rvhich receivecl almost universal atte'tio', were those of t,he building ,rr"t"rl"i mer.chants ?mo_ng which were the Hayward Lui-rber Com_ pany and the Hammond Lumber Company. This picture sh;o.w.s .the general appearance of the'Himmonrl 'trooit , which had to be taken by flash-light at seven A. N[., in or] der to avoid the crowds usually githered around same from l0 A. M. to l0 P. M. each day,"eager to se,e thc beautiful h.and-colored -pictures of the aitract'ive homes, which aliow them to see their home be.fore_they build it, "r,l ...u.. "p_ proximate prices of complete homes and learn of the belt gradgs and kinds of .matirial to be used, from the t,,r,.,rtr., and buil,ding material merchants.
_-Many-were irnpressed with the value of The Tailor Ma<le .Homes.teature., permitting them to secure data on homes to hll..therr.tamily needs after careful co'sideration of the lnolvtoual cases.
'Ihe offer of a beautiful Tennessee Aromatic Cedar Chest, a sample of the skill .of the_ company's employees in securl ing quality in m,ateria,l and beauty-in coristiuction ,of the details of the beter type of artistiially beautiful "r.d "..hi- tectual correct, skillfully planned hoires, was offered free to the one who could nalne correctly twenty samp,les of u'oocl disltlayerl alor.rg the front of booth. Mr. Edward Bur_ ger, a San Bern,ardino electrician, was the surprised anrl happy winrrcr of the prize.
- -D_1ring the tel days duration o{ the exhibits, r\Ir. Walter M. MacDonough, sales promotion expert of The Ham.mond l.umber Comparry, clirected the assiitance to home build_ ers. but during the l>usy hours wasassistecl by L. p. Buck_ ley, Southwest district manager of National Builders Bu_ reau, and each day during the duration of the session had to press into the service tl.re managers and assistants of the branch yarcls from the s_urrounclin-g cities, calling on differ_ ent y.ards e1c.h {a.y to a,llorv each manager the frivilege ,of meeting arrd helllirrg..as nany prospects for homes "r-por_ slble, all'd rnvlting all who would to come to theiruerb.._ trve yards with their problems, offering free use of their plan books, l.rand-colored photos and assistance of the office force to secure the best ancl rirost helpful service in secui- ing a houre, which has so much to clo with the welfare of our great arrd rlevelopirrg country.
The freighter Point Bonita owned by the pacific Mail Stea,mship Conrpany, has been chartered to the E. K. Wood Lumber of San Francisco. The E. K. \\rood Lum_ ber Company chartered tlvo others of the point boats some time ago. the P,oint Judith ancl point Adims. The three boats will be used in the coastwise lumber tracle.