1 minute read

Setl a man a building IDEA. He'll do the buYin$.

San Pedro Lumber Company Fire At Coast

Threatening total destruction to the entire -plant, and causing a losi estimated at $50,000'.00, one of the most spectaiular fires in recent years destroyed the offices and several sheds of the San Pedro Lumber Company at San Pedro on March 16th.

The fire starte<l in a rubbish pile, and fanned by a breeze, it spread rapidly, and the sheds had caught firre when it rvas discovered by a watchma,n.

San Joaquin Valley Club Meets April 14th

ThJ San Joaquin Valley Lurnbermen's Club wi'll rneet at F.esno, Apiit 14ttr, "..oicling to announcement by President J. C. Ferger.

Graham Griswold Visits California

Grah,am Griswold, well known lumber manufacturer and whoiesaler of Portland, Oregon. made a business trip through California during the past n-ronth' visiting both San Francisco and Los Angeles.

American Lumber Company Burns

On March 27th. the entire plant and yard of the American Lumber Company at Los Angeles was destroyed in a fire that started in their plant and swept over dnto two motion picture studios located next to them.

The lbss suffered has been esimated at $25,00O.00, and the company rep'orts that they will rebuild immediately'

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