1 minute read
Facts That Should Induce Home Building
The other day I saw some figures ona sign board in front of a united states Army Recruiting station that caught my eye.
And as I stopped to read them they seemed to me so interesting that I stopped and and copied them in my note book. Here are the figures-united states Government figures: l% of all men in this country, die wealthy.
2% of those who die are in "comfortable" financial circumstances.
15% have from $2,000 to $10,000.
82% have NOTHING.
Let those figures and facts sink in. Can you beat them for a home building, home saving, home owning ar$ument?
Because if, at some time in their lives, a lot of the men on whom these statisticts were based had accepted an opportunity to put their savings into a HOME, they would have dodged the 82ft class.
These figures were displayed in front of this Recruiting Station as an inducement to convince young men that they should do something for themselves in their youth, build character, and create a foundation to keep them out of the 82fi class.
There are few men who pass through this life who are not at some time in position where they MIGHT save and buy a home. Andthe fact that 82% of the men who die have nothing, proves that entirely too few them take advantage of this opportunity.