2 minute read
Hardwoods Ready for Quick Shipment
Credit is the power to borrow or buy and,make payments in the future.
Credit is offered a man on the assumption that he will PAY, either because of his MORAL or FINANCIAL stahility.
MORAL credit is t'he best of all credit.
Because of their moral ,credit, some men of small means can obtain finances more easily at a bank, than 'can many men of large financial means.
Moral credit is offered on the assumotion that a man's word is GOOD.
Everybody who does business with him has a good word for the man who is as good as his word.
The world couldn't get along without credit; if ,men were conscienceless creatures whose word was not good, civilization itself, would totter.
It is the man of his word who makes credit possible.
The man who pays his accounts, who lives up to his agreements, is the man who can demand service and consideration.
Payment of his bills promptly stamps him as man of character in his community; and nothing is more damaging to a man's self-respect than a stack of unpaid bills.
Almost anyone can get credit extended once; but CHARACTER counts when the second call ,for credit is made.
We have often heard the excuse m,ade when anything new, or modern, ,or improved is suggested, that "it isn't what my trade wants."
That argument belongs in the age of flying horses, and hairy mastodons.
How do you know it isn't what your trade wants?
How does vour trade know what it wants?
Your trade wants what is BEST to supply their NEEDS, but it cannot know what is best unless some EXPERT along that line renders aid.
George Washington didn't "WANT" a Victorola, simply because he didn't know about the'm then. But that doesn't keep YOU from wanting one.
Your trade ma"y not WANT certain things, because they don't knorv about them. They seem to want old-timey things, because they don't know about better fhings.
Your trade merely accepts what it sees.
Everybody in town seems to want the old box-car type house. Then a thinking man builds a modern bungalow, and immediately the WANTS of that town are changed.
"What my trade wants" is the plaint of the inefifi'cient.
Wanted, experie.nced cargo lu'mber salesman for Los Angeles territory. Address Robert Forgie, 602 Central Bldg., Los Angeles.
T)EDwooD SERvICE already means oefinite merchandising values l\ to over two hundred retail lumbermen in California. Take just one item of that servicer-our "silent Salesman",-f61 examPle.
There are twelve of them, in two convenient sizes, attractively illustrated, printed in colors, and you can get them without cost.
Each one emphasizes a use to which Redwood is especially adapted, and when you inSert your name in the space provided on the front cover they be.cor-;.e lnur "Salesmen".

You can use them as enclosures (a different one each month, for example) with statements and invoisss-fu1 they bring biggcr returns when used in a more intensive direct-by-mail campaign. Which is where our "Letter Service" helps again.
Watch for our next announcement,