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Plans and Progress Here and There What Busy California Lumber Folks Are Talking About
Soutihern California Hardwood Flooring Contractors Association Meet
On Tuesday evening, M.arch thirteenth, the Southern California Hardwood Flo,oring C,ontractors Associations held a banquet for their members and a number of guests, at the Los Anqeles Athletic Clrrb.
Characteristic of this crowd, it was ,done in fine shape. T,he committee had provided a fine musical program, this i'ollowed by a number of short talks by various of the members, and some of the guests.
This association, just two years old has developed a spirit of 'friendliness among its ,members that would be hard to beat. Recognizing the value of being acquainted and on hand shaking terms with each ones competitors, they hold these affairs at various times, putting every thing on a fifty-fifty basis.
Lumber Salesmen Meet
The second meeting of the newly formed Lnmber Salesmens Club of Los Angeies district, was held at the Elite Cafe Thursday evening, March fifteenth.
Thirty-five charter members, with about fifteen niwly elected ones, had a very interesting evening, laying out the plans for the club.
President E. D. Tennant stated tliaf the initial purpose of the club w,ould be to get in as many ,members as possible, and then to lay out a program to carry throughout the year, having each meeting more interesting than the last, and providing educatior-ral features that no man could afford to miss.
M.. J. W. Hamilton of the Hamilton A,ssociates made a speech on the art of selling that was worth one months dues at least. Mr. Hamiltorr is a supersales,man himself, understands the problems of selling competitive goods, and surely did shoot it fast and heavy into the boys.
These ,meetings will be held each two weeks, at a place rlesignated by the Secretary, M. F. Curtze, of the \\roodhead Lumber Cor.npany.
Mr. Paul S. Foster, Sales Manager of the Nort& Western Redwood Company, Willets, was in Los Arrgeles last week on btrsiness. While there he made his headquarters with Hooper & Smith.
We Should Use Heavier Paper
B. W. (Bobbie) Byrne of the Western Hardwood I-umber Company of Los Angeles has the right idea.
Read this, taken from his letter to us :
"We find that one copy of 'The California Lumber Merchant' gets lvorn out before our entire organizati,on has a chance to read it, and we therefore ask that yon enter our subscription for two more .copies."
Holmes Eureka Lumber Company Move Los Angeles Offices
. Outgrowing their old r,ooms in the Central Building, the Holmes Eureka Lumber Company have moved their Los Angeles offices to lO25 Van Nuys-Bldg. They have a rrew phone number, 82I-752.
Mr. R. F. Ha,mmatt, Secretary-Manager of the California Redr,vood Association was in Los Angeles last week f,or a few days.
He attended the meeting of the Architects Association at the Metropolitan Exhibit on March 2lst, and attended to the completion of the exhibit that is being ,installed by the California Redwoo,d Association.
Cole And Dunning Visit Southern California
H_t \\,'. Cole, President and General Manager of the Little River Redwood Company, at Crannell, spint a few days recently at the comp,any's San Francisco office. Mr. Coie, also accompanied Sales-Manager W. D. Dunning to Los Ang.eles, where they spent several days looking over business conditions in Southern California.
'fhe L. W. Blinn Lu,mber Company is building a new storage shed at their Wilmington plant. To be tO+x000. This r,r'ill be one of the largest structures of its kind at the coast and will store a part of the,ir large stock of upper grades.