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A Springtime Business Gettin$ Bulletin
A wonderful way to induce people to buy building materials, is to start them thinking BUILDINGS. There is nothing like practical suggestions to start the building fever in the spring.
Here are some excellent suggestions to offer YOUR trade. We grabbed the following from a page of suggestions in the April bulletin 'issued to its customers by Wm. Cameron & Company, of Waco, Texas, who operate .r big string of yards in Texas and O'klahoma. -They are both- for firm and town trade. Perhaps YOU can get an idea or two for YOUR spring offering:
Brighten Up The Interior
April is the month to brighten up the home.
You will be surprised at the small cost necessary to entirely change the interior decoration.
There is nothing to perfect the change like wall paper. FIome must be joyful, and there cannot be joy without color and flowers. We have just received our new spring wall paper patterns and among them you will find a clesign for every room in your home.
We will be glad to submit a cost estimate on the interior decorating you have in mind, and will make suggestions as to color combination.
French dioors, in the sparkle 'of their many divided lights, and the slender iletiniations of the wood 'bars, pit lif., beauty and distinctiveness into the interior of ih. ho-.. Thiy form a nice opening between the dining and living rooms, and 'may be had in plain, Florentine' and bevef plate glass ; in any size oper.ring you desire.
What can be more pleasing to the house wife than to seat her family and guests around the attractive and clever little breakfast nook of todaY.
Here is an environment, bright, art'istic, snug, and comfortable, the breakfast or luniheon becomes a veritable picnic, enticinglv good, and hi-qhlf beneficial.
Situated neir- the kitchen, lhe breakfast nook palpably serves the need of convenience. It saves many steps, both before, during, and at the conclusion of the meal'
Then too. the breakfast nook h'as its part in the scheme of household economy. Small doilies, rather th,an. the full length table covers, more appropriately serve the nook table, an economy from the standpoint of laundry costs as r,iell as the weal and tear on the linen.
We have many illustrations of breakfast nooks that tell their own story bf attractiveness in design, and excellence in proportion.
The old saying, "an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure" is applicable almost to anything. Look around your home and see irf there aren't screen windows that will hrave to be replaced or recovered,. Phone us, and we'll see that th,is work is done for you. If you do not repair those screens you are leaving a place for the germ carrying fly to enter your home and spread filth and disease.
Brighten up the porch and lawn furniture with a coat of good PAINT. We have any color you desire, Ior any use.
Farm improvements reflect the owner's business ability. If good, they testify to his thrift and beter judgment' Each building on the farm plays an important part. Sometimes a farm may be equipped with several useful buildings, and still lack one building that would prove a great waste saver.
The well built farrn HOME preserves the family health, makes for their happiness and comfort, saves waste, useless steps, trouble, and discontent.
Shecls keep the farm possessior.rs and stock in good shape. Better shelter provides better chickens, and more eggs. A better garage keeps fhe car in better order.
Implement sheds save farm machinery 'from decay and deterioration, and cost little.
Corn cribs, etc., can be ,made very useful.
We will gladly furnish plans and estimates for any farr.r.r building you may need this spring.
We are manufacturers of high class hardwood lumber. W" -ik. a particular specialty of I inch, % inch and el inch plain sawed oak and gum. Send ue your inquirier.
Our tumbcr ie gold on Hardwood Mfgr. lnstitutc Rulc.'
O6ce and Band Milt Wcrtcrn Union Addrcrr Ewing, Texaa Lufkin, Tetar