2 minute read
of Bakemfield ..DOING HIS STUFF''
'at the Western Retailers Convention
Spokane, 'Wash,
Elmore W. King, of the King Lumber Company of Bakersfield and vice-president of the San Joaquin Valley Lumbermen's Club, was a busy man at the Western Retailers' Convention at Spokane. Between the business sessions 'and the various social functions that he was called upon to attend, he found the days almost too short. Elmore was very much in demand and no pairty was considered a success without his smiling countenance 'being among those present. He had his trunks well stocked with fhe latest sartorial fashions 'and when he left Bakersfield th'ought that he could equip himself properly to attend about any kind of a, function. However, an emergency did arise and as a result Elmore found it necessary to borrow a chef's uniform to do his "stuff." Here is how it all happened.
A. L. Porter, Secretary-Manaier 'of the Western Retail Association, was acting a,s host to a party of his lumber friends at the Davenport Hotel and had arranged to serve them an excellent dinner. As is his usual custom, Mr. Porter always does things right, and to add a little tone to the affair he sent out advance notice that it was to be an "open front" gathering. Everybody was having a wo'nderful time and the host was sure "sitting pretty," when the Chef appeared at his right and advised him confidentially that he still owed several tiills 'for past dinner parties, therefore, it was necessary tha.t said party was to be ,a str,ictly cash payrnent affair. Mr. Porter, in justice to himself and his friends, immediately demanded a rational expl,anation of the lvhole matter and after much heated argumentation discovered that he was talking to Elm'ore Kittg.
During the dinner, Elmore King slipped away from the table and proceeded to the kitchen, where he soon got the confidence of the Chef and borrowed his uniform. Then the dirty w,ork. Hence the reason ,for showing our goo'd friend Elmore King'actipg in the capacity of the Dat'enport Hotel chef.
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