1 minute read
By Jack Dionne
Age not guaranteed-Some I have told
STORIES for 20 years-Some less.
THE NIGGER'S APPPLE-JACK warmed to his work, and- the riring- power of hig vocal l, nigger "t""t"a t" .*""a a revival meeting several efforts fipally began rousing our colored friend with the -ti;6; his home in the South. apple-jack' "-H.;ft6d "p rtr ;6-;G; and took alo_ng a gallon - Th; preacher said: "Bredern and sistern gnosin' dc i"g'itl""J "r.i "pprZ:i;"k; hun;.ot"t-it"-to:rrr oi ttt" Good Masteh was to send his recordin'angel down heah saddle. As he ""a"-.r6igi" i"-"r. " p"ii-"f ue apple- right now.. And.sposin'de recordin'angel canne down jack about every tei ";d;-,:[; i.r"rt u&ig !ii"1 -*y"- tg --hah *" is, an looked into ouah hearts an into ouah arrived at the .."pJkirr;i'h. *ar tr,"t""Etriv lubricated, mindl; _an sposin de recordin' angel .saw all the rin ' i.o-a-"t,--"rra i.ry "r..pi. an all'the mianness in ouah heartsr-1'5at do you tpotc '-id'{ftId"" t"i";i-"i"rt d yet, so he goj as close he'a gwine to tell de Good Masteh when h9 gits back to to rhe platform "r-;;*ill:;-[i.it "f oor " "shady spot the thone above? what do vou sPose he's gwine to ""a.i-.-ii"" (th""" lta t.oi.r"t" were held in_the op-en tell him?" Ji-l;"f, t"rr-j"l"i" ll t[; ;.9, tt down in the shade with And the half-dnurk nigger under the tree rared up to trrJ *aar" for a p1L*,:itrl ii.g- "f apple-jack tucked his feet, i_"g -i" hand and shouted out: ;idil;d".ti" ""rrr,-."h l"ri l"tl"p.- '^ 'Look H"h, pahson, if -de-recordin'angel comes pesti- *-11!
"i;itrri""grr'A;;ty-;J"itt9 revival proceed- catin round whah Ah is, {'hlm-goan to sryg him a drink ines. and until the ;pi.llftft'; -"r'*ufi under way, qgrd outa dis here jug ob apple'jack, an he ain't never goin it3-.,.*tt""tiF; -ti"a 'rt"tt.d. The preacher waE getting to Heaven-"
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