1 minute read
Up and Down the
Talk about lumber dealers advertising, here's one in the advertising selling business.
The firm of Jackson, Sherry & Company, of Creston, Iowa., have recently gone in for a new "sideline" -billboard advertising.
Needing a billboard themselves, and having some good front street property, they bu,ilt a bill board big enough for sixteen sigrns, and sold all the available space to the other merchants of the town.
llow's that for merchandising?
Witbeck Returns To Coast
R. C. Witbeck of San Francisco, California representative of the E. L. Bruce Company of Memphis, Tennessee, has returned to the coast alter a two months business trip through Tennessee, Arkansas, and Mississippi. While in the east, he, attendecl a meeting of all the representatives of the E. L. Bruce Com,pany, which was held at ,both Memphis and Lit,tle R,ock during the latter part of Janu?ry. Mr. Whitbeck reports that conditions are very good with the eastern hardwood manufacturers: all the rnills are working to full capacity and manv of the ,mills are oversold on many items