2 minute read
Save the StateNursery
By Adeline M. Conner, of Sacramento
The State Nursery, situated on the liSlw-ay Uetween Sacramento and Davis, "was established in re.oonr. to the insistent public demand for trees along ifie stat. highway." According tp the Ninth Biennial Reoort of ttie Stite Board of Forestry, 7600 trees rt'ere pioiagated and distri,buted during the months ol1922, lttd U8""u.. of the increased number of trees available for distribution a much greater work can be done this vear. In despite of the wonderful tasks performed 6y the State Nursery, the "Budget" makes no PI9,rision for its continuance and maintainence, for this reason an important branch of the State's Fore-stry service is thriatened with destruction. Those of us who believe in the future of our state and desire her continuous growth in prosperity, desirability and beauty, will froi'n upon t-his backward step that is being f6iced upon her, ancl will ask the powers that be t'o save thi State Nursery by giving it adequate financial support. The Staie Nuisery is a necessary- and indispensible asset to the people of California-Let's save it.
A Bad Dream
Still sits the NurserY bY the roadThe days are hot and bright, The streams are dry, the grouncl is baked, There's not a tree in sight'
.A tourist from a wiser state
Remarked, "my word, horv funnY !"
'fhe native saicl, "r-e can't plant trees
When we hain't got no moneY."
The saddened tourist dashed along
Beneath the sizzling sun, a
Along the highwaYs bare of trees
Right cussingly he sPun.
In-sacramenlo town he staYed
For hert was greatful shade, Ancl to a Saciamento man, at length.
A wailing plaint he macle.
"Where'Jyour State Nursery?"-he crietl'
"And youi tree Planting squad?"
The Sacramentan bowed his head, His tears bedewed the sod'
"Ye gods !" he wept, "the Nursery
Went glim'erin' long ago;
That Budget knocked it out, -vou see.
With one terrific blow.
We can't raise trees, nor plant 'em out
Along our highw'ays sunny-.
We iust sit down and shrivel uP
When Nellie says,'no moneY."'
You'll say that was an awful dreanr-
It was; but I'll say, "please
Good lumbernlen, do all you oan
To save our baby trees."
Pattison Transferred To Los Angeles
R. R. Pattison, of the California and Oregon Lumber Co" who has represen'ted the company in the San Francisco -tsay birtri.t, his been transferred to the south and will act as th. .orno"nv's representative in S'outhern California with Itt -n"gJJ. at ^his headqua-rtel-s. .Mr' P:rttison is well tno*t, intong the Southern Califotttiu trade as he worked that territory a few Years ago.
Includes Much Danger To Life And Limb
We furnish Workmen's Conrpensation Insurance to ber and woodworking manufacturers' Ours is a rocal association of mill men, doing business at only.
The leading mill operators of Texas and Louisiana created this organization. It affords full protection under the California laws. Concerning our standing and reliability ASK THE CALIFORNIA LUMBER MERCHANT lnquiries Cordially Solicited