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Snark Henry Faull of the San Francisco Bav Distribt announces that a smoker rvill be held on Saturlay night, April 28, in the rooms of the San Francisco Commer"ciai Club. 4 'tjg time is anticipa,ted and a large attendance is expected; during ,the d.inner an excellent entertainment will be providtd for by well known entertainers. After the dinner, their will be an _excellent boxing and wrestling program furnish:9 by athletes of the O{ympic Club,* University of California, and other well known-clubs.
Frank Trower Back From Oregon Trip
^ Frank Trower, of the Trower Lumber Co., has returnecl from a two-lveeks' trip visiting his mill connections at Coos Bay,_Asto_ria, and Poitland. He st,ates that the Knappton Lumber Co., which mill he represents in Californii, "r. making some Inecessary improv-ements at their plant (alucl are now building an addi'tion to their 'hotel .tb prolrid. quarters for their night crew. Mr. Trower also got his first glimpse of Astoria since the fire and says that-the rebuilding o-f the town has been held up owing .to the controversy th_ey are having 'there on the ltreet lrading ques- tion. On his arrival at Marihfield. he found that-Henrv A. Busterud, office manager of the Bay Park Lum'ber Col, had just been operated on for appendici,tis. As he had wired Mr. Busterud only the day before advising him of his co,ming to Marshfield, he said the news of his siudden operation reminded him of Jack Dionne's favorite nigqer 1tory, where the bank busted right in the niggers f-a-ce. On his return to Marshfield, he found Mr. Bustiiud much improved and able ,t,o discuss business; the Trower Lumber Co., are the California representatives of the Bay park mill. I{r. Trower reports that business among the ,mills is very brisk, but as soon as road wor.k and other countv and city improvements are started, there will no d,oub.t be a labor shortage in the lum,ber sections.
Dimmick Returns From Portland Trip
A. A. Di,mmick, manager of the California & Oreson Lumber Co., has returned to San Francisco from a business trip_ to Portlan_d. He stopped off at the company's plant at Brookings, Oregon on his way north. He rep-orts- that the market continues very active in the Nortliwest and that the mills are all working to full capacity.
J. H. Austin, Jr., o,f Pittsburg, Pa., Vice President of The Germain Company, was a recent visitor in San Francisco. and T os Angeles, accompanied by Mrs. Austin. Mr. Austin made the whole Pacific Coast line, stopping at the big lumtber centers from Vancouver to L. A. and incidental- ly opened a western buying office in Portland. This is their second office on the Coast, since they already have one in operation in San Francisco.
The Germain Company ,is one of the ,biggest wholesale lumber concerns in the eas,t, and is now fiandling large quantities of western lumber and timbers, and expecting to increase this department of their business very iapidll
Fred Golding Moves Offices
_ The -Fred Golding T,umber Company, having outgrown their old quarters in the Pacific Electric Building, in Los Atngeles, have moved to much larger and betler fitted rooms in the Central Bldg., rooms 608-609.
Fred is one of the pioneers of Los Angeles, was treasurer and sales manager for the Patten Davis T_umber Company for _ove,r twenty years, before forming hrs own co,mpany.
Mr. Golding has associated with him at the present iim6: Mr. Geo. W. Golding in charge of the shook- department. Mr. A. C. Penberthy, who looks after the fir and cedar business. Mr. Penberthy was formerly with the Benson I umber Company at San Diego. Mr. F. J. Long, manager of the w,hite and sugar pine department came tb Los Angeles recently, was formerly with the Red River Lumber Co'mpany. Mr. I. L. Blinn, son of Mr. L. W. Blinn, is the traveling representative, for the Fred Golding Company. With such a force as this Fred should be able to improve his golf game a little, and maybe get d,own to around a hundred.
Gibson Will Locate In Southern California
Harry D. Gibson, of Akron, Ohio, was a visitor at the San Francisco headquarters of the California Retail Lumbermen's headquarters last week. Mr. Gibson was on his way to Los Angeles to look over the yard of the Southern Lumber Company, which is operated by Stitzer & Higman, wifh the v,iew of buying an interest in ,the same ancl l'ocating in California.