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We Nevef Got aLovelier rl,ettef
Two issues ago The California Lumber Merchant published a somewhat facetious story, with illustrations, about "Golfers As Is Golfers," including in the list of pictures one of J. A. Farnsworth, of Los Angeles, head of The California Door Company. The picture showed him with his chest stuck out pridefully, and we ofiered' the opinion that he must have just sunk a drive, to'make him so puffed up
That issue reached the hands of Mrs. J. A. Farnsworth' She was then in a Maternity Hospital, and had recently welcomed the arrival of a lovely daughter-her third' She read that issue of The California Lumber Merchant, and then wrote us the following wonderful little letter from the hospital, which we are privileged to publish:
"Mr. Dionne: Your California Lum'ber Merchant was brot to me that I might see "Golfers as hope to be Golfers." Your impression as to J. A. Farnsworth is all wrong' That look was occasioned by expectations of a husky assistant manager. However, the assistant manager's little sister came applying for a job as confidential secretary. Mr' F. turned her down. Said the agency made an error in send,ing her, etc. The "etc." was to the effect that more than three red headed stenographers in one offibe was too many. However, this new one completes a "blessed trinity" of lovely daughters.
'After having exhausted a National Geographic, Satur- day Post, and an ,\merican Magazine, I turned again to The California Lumber Merchant. To my surprise I found it far more interesting than the aforementioned periodlcals. Of special interest was "Lumber Talked'" If she did, themls my sentiments. Mr. F. says (whisper it) "Brick" for our big new home. "Wood," says I. T'he Lumber Ilerchant sold fhe idea-any one can sell the lumber' And then "The Nigger and The Anvils." How in the dickens did he grab that rope? The middle stanza of "Hell" I pointed -out to Friend Husband. He says "It slio is H-l'" (Editor's Note. Read that poem' page 26, March lst issue. and see what this means.)
"Just a lot of other good things, too' Glad to note tw{) Kansans in the'mong. Claim that as my native state' Fin"iiy, f hope to indui Mr. F. to offer a prize for the best ,.ri"y on the use of doors and windows' to be written by an Arlington Heights "grader." We chance to have our eleven year old Marthalice in that grade' Wonder if the chosen one might be published in your periodical? - -
'thanking y6u for a very pleasureable two hours, I am, Sincerely, Dixie Williams Farnsworth (Mrs' J' A' Farnsworth).