1 minute read
Madera Sawmill to Resume Operation Built Two Sawmills in six Months
Over six months ago-there occurred at Sugar pine one of the- most disastroui fires which ever took'pi"." i" n4u_ tle-ra County, t.he-. sawmill plant of the Maderi Srg", ei* Lo. and almost the whole of the town of Sugar p-ine hav_ ing been entirely wiped out. From time to tiilre there haole stn-ce appeared in this paper short accounts of the progress being made in the work bf reconstruction, a.nd, it is niw a great pleaSure to us to be able to report ihat the task has been completed and that the manufacture of lum,ber h,as been resumed during the past month.
Some idea of the magnitude of this undertak,ing may b-e gained from fhe fact that it was necessary to strifr fiori, th.e east, and, upon arrival, truck over muddy roadi sixtv rnrtes lnto the mountains better than 4,000,000 pounds of machinery and supplies.
One of the unique features in connecti,on with the con_ str.uctlon program was the fact that it was necessary to build two sawnrills: the first, a single band used to' .;i out construction material, has a capacity of 10O,000 feet per day, and was rea.dy for operation in less than thirty days- aft-er. the fire; the second, a modern up_to_date tw'o band mill just completed, will produce 300,000 feet dailv. -
T,he construction of the small mill made it possible to provide.housing accommodations and boardinS dt"..; ior-" crew of 400 men. This crew was organirEa "Uouf ,i" weeks- after the fi,re, and, in ,four and "one_half montli; time, has built a conrplete sar,vmill plant, a good sired luni_ ber yard,.a large dormitory of 52 rooms, a modern dininsroom with seating capacity f.or 2ffi men, one "f tfr" nr"Et stores to be found anywheie in this section, a comrnodious amusement hall with stage, projection rootn, and dance floor, a fair sized office,-,and up*"ia. of fO awiiUG d;;r.
It is felt that both the Maiera Sugar pine Co.?s ";;;;- ization which, at times, had three or f"our f".tJ;";;'i,;;'h which -to-contend, and the various trucking concerns, which battled through.out the winter with sroughr "i *ud *iiii. l:",llC,tn,the heavy Joads oj machinery, are deserving of tne. h.lghest commendation for the energy, perseverance. and determ,ination which have made ,"pTh';a-;il;;i*. :gnstru:lign,rvork possible under the most trying .;;;i_ tlons whrch have prevailed.
THEY ALSO ADMIT THAT \,t/E ARE GOOD _ Ih" {ollowing is an excerpt from a letter from Mr. H. l. lluryryqr, _Vl P. California n"J*ooa- erro.;"tion, -io E. A...Goodrich, Los Angeles, Manager Union Lumber.
"I have your letter relative to-the attached ad. It see,ms that we have given them (the California Lumber M;;_ ctlant) a contract for one.year for a quarter page. We did this because we think it ii the best lumber paper we have ever hacl on the coast."