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New News From the Mills and Yards-Too Young to Be Dry
San Francisco Hardwood Club
IA new organization that is now taking an active-part in the lumbe"r affairs of the Bay District, is the San Francisco Hardwood Club, which was formed on J'4nuary 1' The club has a one hundred per cent membership-among the hardwood dealers of the San Francisco Bay District and meetings are held every other Wednesd3Yet !!-". Iooms. of the San"Francisco Commercial Club. C. H' White, of White Brothers, is president; F. Richards,-of the--Richards Hardwood Co. is vice-president; and Owen Gibson, treasurer. One of the first -accomplishments 'of the club was to have the State Harbor Commission reduce the state storage toll of 60c per M feet to {Q per M feet' The club is ali6 active in k-eeping the public, retail lu'mber yards, and planing m,ills, adviset by r-eporti "jt" the market conaiti"irt of f,ardwoocl lumber. Mr. C. H. White, the president, states that the primary purpose of the club is to increase the use of hardwoods in the building trade and to attain this end they are now contemplating cooperative advertising. He says that the 'building public are using more hard"wood than-ever, and in home construction where onlv five or six rooms are involved, that the additional cost to irse hardwood floors and finish is very small' The followine hardrvood dealers comprise the present membership of the"club: Cadwallader-Gibson Lumber Co'; Davis Har{*o"a C".; Dieckmann Hardwood Co. ; Forsyth--& 9o' ; J' E. Higg..tt Lum er Co.; E. A. Howard & Co.; Kirchmann fl"iaiEoa Co. ; Edward'F. Nieharis & Co' ; Richards Hard**a Co.; Strable Hardwood Co. of Oakland; White Bros'; and H. B. Maris.
Bennett Visits Los Angeles
Garry Bennett, o'f the Benne'tt-Fla'mlin Lu'mber Co' of San Fiancisco, spent a few days recently- in Los Angeles attendins to business matters' While in the sou'fh, he also soent a iew days with his folks, Mr' and Mrs' A' R' Bentr"tt. *ho reside at Long Beach'
Mr. L. P. Buckley, special representative in Los Angeles for the National Buildeis Bureau, left last rveek for a several days' trip through the northern part of the state.
Mr. Buckley wishes us to announce that they have made arrangements with the Bungalow-Craft Company to handle the service of the National Builders Bureau in this district.
This will be in the hands of Mr. Rex D. Weston, manager of the Bungalow-Craft Co. Their address is 571 I. W. Hellman Bldg., Los Angeles.
The Mitchell-Virden Lumber Ccimpany's mill at Duncan's Mills was completely destroyed by fire on the night of March 14th.
Mr. Chas. W. Daughs, manager, announces that the conrpany will re-build immediately, and that while the new mill is being constructed they will continue their logging operations.