1 minute read
State Forester Recommends Redwood to Poultrymen
Merritt B. Pratt, State Forester for California, (formerly with the University of California Forest School), has the following to say of Redwood in, "The Use of Lumber on California Farms," ptblished by the University of California as Bulletin No. 299:
Strong-P,n'"51e-StaYr Put
Mernber Mills:
Albton Lumber Company
Caspar Lumber Cornpany
Dolbeer & Carson Lumber Co.
Glen Blalr Redwood Co.
Hammond Lumber Company
J. R. Hanify Company
Ilobbs, Wall & Company
Holmes Eureka Lumber Co.
Llttle River Redwood Co.
Mendocino Lumber Co.
Northwestern Redwood Co.
Redwood Manufacturers Co.
The Paciftc Lumber Co.
Union Lumber Company
"Redwood is light, but relative to its weight it is one of the strongest woods known. The wood is sufficiently strong for general house-construction purposes, and in addition, is light and durable.
These properties, as well as its ability to keep its shape, make Redwood especially valuable to poultrymen, since it is essential that the joints in incubators and other poultry yard appliances resist rot and keep tight in all kinds of weather."
Septic Tank Conshuction gt:,
Circul,ar No. 2 70, University of California, entitled "A Farm Septic Tank," says of Redwood, "The baffe boards, preferably of Redwood, which lads indefinitely, should be thoroughly water soaked, and the ends trimmed so that they fit loosely into the slots in the tank walls."
When you sell your farm trade Redwood you are following the advice of recognized authorities and you ensure steady profits by meanE of repeat ordere from satisfied customers.