2 minute read
Two Little Known Stories of Lincoln
Here are two'sweet stories of Abraham Lincoln that have seldom been told.
A delegation of folks from Illinois, good country people, called on Honest Abe at the White House, and the spokesman said:
"\ille want you to know that down our uray we believe in Almighty God and Abraham Lincoln."
"My friends," said the grave Lincoln, "I am sure you are at least half right."
Secretary Stanton, the man who uttered those famous words when Lincoln died-"Now he belongs to the ages" ras a strong-minded person himself, and through the dark days of the Civil War he often disagreed most vioIently with the opinions of Lincoln.
One day Lincoln sent an aide to Stanton with a cpmmunication, and the aide returning, said to Lincoln: "Mr. President, I wouldn't permit any m:rn to talk about me the way Mr. Stanton talks about you."
"Did Stanton criticize me?" asked Lincoln.
"He did, most severely," said the indignant aide.
"And what did Stanton say?" asked the President.
"fle said, 'Lincoln is a damned fool for signing this paper,"' replied the aide.
"Well," said Lincoln with great humility, "If Stanton said that, I must be one, for Stanton is usually right."

New Yard At Downey
Mr. B. Fallon has opened a new yard at Downey. Mr. Fallon until recently, was cashier ai the Los Niei6s Vai_ lev Bank.
Lumber Dealers Hold Meeting At Athletic Club
From the Alhambra "Advocate,', March 26th
San Diego Hoo Hoo to Dine and Dance
The San Diego Hoo Hoo members are planning a Hard_ Time Party and dance, on the night bf Siiurday, April lgth, at the La Mesa Club House,,San Diego.
Snark Joe Restine, with his trusty Committeeman, Art Jensen, have stated that this afiair will be the event of the season, and that it is the starter for a number of parties that their district will hold, during the year.
sixty dealers taking part in the affair.
.P19of of the good friendship existing between lumbermen ot Alhambra and neighboring cities was indicated in a bie luhambra and neighboring bis b.anquet last -night al the A.'lhambra Athletic club, abou? sixty dealers in lumber takinr" narf in fhe affeir
Although unorganized, thJlumbermen of Alhambra and vlcrnlty, otten meet in Alhambra, eating and general chats l,.ilg th,e diversions, no after-dinner sp"eeches-bei"t " p;;i of $he program.
.,'fThry jus!.9o.me here becausg lh.y find plenty of good th/ngs to eat," it was explained in ieferenie to-the Lrse ryFmb.er o.f .outsiders.who attend the local banquet. Othir pasts will be held from time to time, it was siid.
Vt_Joh" W. Fisher has pnrchased the interests of F. R. and H._ J. Alley, in the Alley Brothers Lumber Company. Santa Monica, and since A1>ril lst has been in compleie charge of this institution.
Mr. Fisher announces that the name of the company rvill remain the same.
The announcements state that they will have Good Eats-Good Music-Dancing-Card Ga'mes-prizes for the fnnniest 665f116s-4nd a mfihty go;-ti*".
"W. W. Wilkinson wishes to annouirce to the pine trade that the L. B, Menefee Lumber Company are now running their California White pine mill in the Klamath Falls district. They have put in dry kilns and are in a position this year to. give prompt ship_ ment on our famous Modoc California White pine dry stock. This is the well known Modoc stock which the trade insists on, on account of the soft texture of the wood."
There's the story in primer language. No more needless duplicati eight standaidized roofings that meet exactly every requirement.
Mr. Hoover has b._.! preaching elimination of waste. Weaver did-it. It means more money for you.

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